What documents are required to renew a driver's license in your area?
Asked by
augustlan (
February 28th, 2013
I recently had to renew my driver’s license in West Virginia, and learned that the documentation rules had changed. They now require:
> birth certificate
> social security card
> two utility bills, in my name, dated no less than 6 weeks prior (what would I have done if all the bills were in my husband’s name?)
> all documents required to trace your name from birth certificate to present
Since I’ve been married twice, I brought in the divorce decree from my first marriage and the marriage license from my second marriage for the name trace, and it wasn’t enough. I had to track down an official copy of my first marriage license from over 20 years ago and in a different state, just to renew my license. Which meant figuring out where it was stored (it’s so old it wasn’t at the courthouse any more), paying money to have it sent to me, waiting for it, finding two more utility bills with more recent dates, and making another trip to the DMV. Mind you, my last name has not changed in seven years, and my old license already had my current last name on it.
Is it anywhere near this ridiculous where you live? Or, heaven forbid, worse?
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16 Answers
My goodness! Here in Alberta, I just bring in the renewal form I get in the mail and my cheque to pay the fee. The only time we need all that is when we change provinces and need to show proof of who we are and where we live.
I have to have everything you listed except the utility bills.
I am also in Canada, and I just bring my renewal form. Payment is every year (can be by mail), new card is printed every 5 years (meaning you have to have a photo taken on site). This kind of thing varies between provinces.
Since they look up my file when I’m in their office, I assume that they can see by the old photo whether I am who I say I am or not. No other proof of identity is required, as far as I know, though they might require seeing the old licence (I usually just hand it to them anyway to make their job easier). Given that a driver’s licence actually is a very commonly accepted proof of identity… this seems totally reasonable.
@augustlan, what you’re describing sounds crazy to me. There must be loads of people who don’t have utility bills in their own names. You shouldn’t have to jump through that many hoops for a document that you can’t even use to cross a border.
I live in WV and just went through the same hoops. It was ridiculous! My brother lives in Indiana and renewed his on line!
In Maryland, you need:
”(1) document to prove age and identity, (1) document to prove they possess a valid, verifiable Social Security Number (SSN) or proof of ineligibility for an SSN, (1) document to prove lawful status in the United States and (2) Maryland residency documents.
Applicant’s full legal name* must be consistent on all documents. If the name on the age and identity source is different from the current full legal name, supporting documentation is required (e.g. marriage certificate, divorce degree, certified court order of name change). If there are discrepancies or mismatches in the name as used on the documents, the applicant may be required to obtain corrected documentation.
Source Documents for Maryland Residency
To establish residency, an applicant for a learner’s permit, license, moped operator’s permit or identification card, must present at least two of the following source documents which include the applicant’s residence address. The documents may not be from the same business, company or agency. The address on the applicant’s Maryland residency sources must match the residence address on the application. A post office box may be used only in conjunction with a resident’s address if it is in the same zip code area. The use of a private mail drop or other commercial address is not permitted.
Maryland vehicle registration card or title;
Utility, telephone or cable/satellite TV bill;
Checking or savings account statement;
Life insurance card or policy (over 3 years old);
Property tax bill or receipt;
Mortgage account or proof of home ownership;
Residential rental contract (apartment lease or other rental of real property);
First class mail from a federal, state or local government agency (to include the contents and envelope); MVA mail is not acceptable;
Copy of federal or MD income tax return filing not more than 18 months old, with proof of filing;
Installment contract from a bank or other financial institution;
Sales tax or business license;
Major credit card bill;
Residential service contract (refers to services performed at the address of residence; for example, cable or satellite television, TV repairs, lawn service or exterminator contract);
Canceled check with imprinted name and address;
Voter registration card;
Selective Service Card.”
Maryland Driver Services
I just did mine by mail. Due to my age, for the first time I had to send a signed copy of an eye exam that I had had in the past twelve months. The rest was simple; fill out the form and send DMV a large check.
But I live in a sparsely populated county in NYS, have owned my house for 27 years, paid my taxes and utility bills regularly and voted every year. So, in the computer, I am a good and safe citizen, with no arrest records and who will not be making trouble. (Milo here; Little do they know!)
In California, just a California driver’s license or a California ID also issued by the DMV.
A current driver’s license is all that is needed here in Illinois. Residents can renew through the mail if they are a safe driver.
Since 911:
The original, or a certified copy of your birth certificate
Your Social Security Card.
Two pieces of mail from two different sources not to be more than 30 days old, or a rent receipt and utility bill addressed to your current residence for the current month.
$64.25 renewal fee to the State of Florida with no guarantee that your phone number (including cell) and your personal information contained on your driver’s license will not be sold by the state to the highest bidder. No shit.
@Espiritus_Corvus The state says it sells your personal information to the highest bidder? How is that possible?
Yep. The Tampa Bay Times broke the story about 3 years ago. The State of Florida has taken it upon itself to sell it’s citizens’ private information to the “private sector.” The worst of it is, only the media seems to care. The citizens don’t seem to give too much of a shit, no noise from them that I can hear.
In the height of bureaucratic arrogance, the Department Motor Vehicles pads its budget with over $60M in revenue annually at the expense of the privacy of its citizens
Welcome to the Sunshine State!!!
OH! OH! Late Breaking News! All us Florida serfs will be getting one dollar each in compensation for being trammeled and ravaged for the past four years! Jeez Loueez, now I can finally afford to join the guys down at McDonald’s for that outtasight $1 endless senior coffee!
Thanks, State of Florida! Gosh, isn’t this a great place?!
Thank God I have to spend only a few months a year in that political shit hole.
Last time I did it, it didn’t seem that big a deal. I’m not sure if I needed two forms of ID or one. I just had to show up with the form and my license and maybe my passport, and they took a picture and gave me a new license.
But the law could have changed since then. Republicans seem especially interested in making it hard for people to do paperwork, because they know some will give up, and then they won’t be able to vote.
Is WV a state that requires a license to vote? If so, I wonder how people would vote if that weren’t a requirement. What would turnout be?
I didn’t have to show my license to vote, but that could change next time around. I wondered about the same thing, @wundayatta, or if maybe it was an attempt to exclude ‘brown people’ from obtaining a license. Either way, it’s absolutely crazy. Of course, if you’re a man or a never-married woman, it’s not quite so bad. I was next to an older gentleman in line who was also there to renew his license, and neither of us could believe the difference in relative ease between his process and mine. If things are going to be this difficult for my daughters in the future, I’ll sure as hell urge them to keep their maiden names upon marriage!
I just have to relinquish the old license. California.
Last time, just my old license. Didn’t have to relinquish it, tho. The nice German lady said to keep it for additional ID.
Sorry West Virginia residents. But feel comforted that you made it harder for the poor to vote.
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