If you were to date a fictional character, who would it be?
Could be ANY fictional character. From a movie, a book, a video game, anything. And why, of course.
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52 Answers
Patrick from The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Fictional sassy fem top of my dreams! Plus, the poor kid really needs rescuing. He should never have dated that self-loathing football player.
Pussy Galore,...allriiiiight!
Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, I love his moody sexy dark personality.
It’s so old hat, but Mr. Darcy from “Pride and Prejudice”. From movies, Seth Starkadder from “Cold Comfort Farm”, Uncas from “Last of the Mohicans”, Wind In His Hair from “Dances with Wolves” or Crash Davis from “Bull Durham.” Why? It’s pretty obvious. I definitely have a favorite flavor of guy. Smouldering and somewhat serious.
interesting. I just found out the actor who played Uncas shares my birthday :)
@KNOWITALL Heathcliff hanged his wife’s dog, forced her to run for her life, and later kidnapped Cathy’s daughter and forced his son to marry her. I don’t know…I think I might look elsewhere for marriage candidates! :-)
And wonderwoman is an evil psychopath that shows contempt for the rule of law at all times.
John Bates from “Downton Abbey.” He may not be conventionally handsome, but there’s something very dashing and compelling about him. I also love how he treats Anna.
@SadieMartinPaul Very familiar, one of my favorite books. Remember he was an orphan and a beggar exposed very early in life to the negative’s of life, then abused and ignored, and teased. I love the dark misunderstood people. And also, his wife dismissed every sign of his love for Cathy so she could have her own way, it was one-sided and very obvious. I don’t know, I get him.
I hated Wuthering Heights. I kept hoping a plague or a raiding band of barbarians would show up and raze their stupid little countryside.
@Seek_Kolinahr I would have thought you’d love it like I do. It was a dreary sounding group though so I can see that. I loved him walking the moors crying for his Cathy, so dark & romantic.
I’d date Pussy as I say, but i’d hump Daphne from Scooby-Doo all night long.
Fluthering Heights sounds like the address of the fabled mansion here.
Ha, admit it, you would hump Scooby doo.
Are you stalking me @ragingloli? Never knew you cared, see you reached 30K…nice one.
I kinda got the hots for Blondie. Especially since they updated her.
Dark and romantic? More like moody and miserable.
Healthcliff was an abusive jerk, and Cathy was pathetic and needy. There wasn’t a single character in the entire book that I found to be admirable.
Kate Bush did good though, in a manic/hippy kinda way.
Couldn’t get into it.
And that goes for Pride and Prejudice and any other saccharine Victorian love story you can come up with.
Diddy Kong we’d have fun eating bananas and riding rhinos and he’s cute.
@ucme Would you want Velma to feel rejected and ignored?
@Seek_Kolinahr Well crap, you like Aragon, I like Aragon, just trying to find a mutual interest or two. Besides the difference in religion, you interest me.
I kind of figured Velma also had the hots for Daphne.
AraGORN. He is a king, not a city in England. :-)
I’m just not into girly love stories. That’s why I like Aragorn. He’s sexy, he kicks serious ass, and he doesn’t care whether you want him or not. Man’s got shit to do.
Who else but Casanova!
The memoirs open with:
“I begin by declaring to my reader that, by everything good or bad that I have done throughout my life, I am sure that I have earned merit or incurred guilt, and that hence I must consider myself a free agent. ... Despite an excellent moral foundation, the inevitable fruit of the divine principles which were rooted in my heart, I was all my life the victim of my senses; I have delighted in going astray and I have constantly lived in error, with no other consolation than that of knowing I have erred. ... My follies are the follies of youth. You will see that I laugh at them, and if you are kind you will laugh at them with me.”
Casanova wrote about the purpose of his book:
I expect the friendship, the esteem, and the gratitude of my readers. Their gratitude, if reading my memoirs will have given instruction and pleasure. Their esteem if, doing me justice, they will have found that I have more virtues than faults; and their friendship as soon as they come to find me deserving of it by the frankness and good faith with which I submit myself to their judgment without in any way disguising what I am.”
above from Wikipedia
Oh damn, Casanova isn’t fictional just too good to be true…back to the drawing board…
As the resident bisexual-mystery-fan here…
I’d do Jackson Brody in a heartbeat (Kate Atkinson, author)
I’d also give Kinsey Milhone a reason to moan (Sue Grafton, author)
Phineas Fogg, but only if he’d take me along on his trip.
Ranger from Janet Evanovitch’s Stephanie Plum Bounty Hunter series. He is sooooo hot!!! And I am sure I would love his black porsche!
As always, Atticus Finch. He is the perfect man. I’d totally sleep with Aragorn, though.
Conan the Barbarian. The badass from the 70’s comics.
And if I didn’t like dating him, it’s not like it would last more than 12 hours, anyways.
Severus Snape, alas… I’d also take a shot with either Aragorn or Legolas.
Pavi Largo
I don’t care if he wears women’s faces. He’s just so fascinating & charismatic. O_O
And yes, I am being serious.
Captain Jack Harkness, from Torchwood and Doctor Who.
Off the top of my head. Christian from ‘50 Shades of Grey’.
@Downtide – yes. Yes. YES
Sydney Carton from a tale of two cities, beautiful pure hearted Sydney ‘i wish you to jnow you are the last dream of my soul’
“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known.”
I also love Sererus when Dumbledore asked him ‘still?’ about his love for Lily his reply ‘Always’ arrrrggghhh sob.
I hate Heathcliff nothing but a brutal monster he and Cathy were well suited,
And yes I’d Do Aragon anytime!
I’d do Aragorn too. And Legolas. In fact, any elf, I’m not fussy ;)
do not forget Gollum and Voldemort.
@downtide Ah, how could I forget Legolas! I call him “my beautiful elf”.
I’d date Gimli. seriously though
Check this out here , but especially at 4:40
Sorry Aragorn, I’d still do him no matter how you spell it haha
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