Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What do you think about the new talk show Katie with Katie Couric?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) March 1st, 2013

I really like it! I am so surprised because I was never a big fan of hers.

Do you like it? What do you like or dislike about it? Is it in the Oprah timeslot where you live? Did you used to watch Oprah? How do you think the Katie show compares to Oprah?

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6 Answers

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

I’ve never watched “Katie.” Most afternoons, my Mom and I watch “Ellen.” Every 2–3 minutes, Mom tells me that Ellen likes girls, not guys, and we talk about our mutual support for gay rights and equal protection under the law.

Yes, that’s what it’s like to love someone with advanced Alzheimer’s disease. Patience and perseverance. Every time, I need to act as if we’re having the same conversation for the very first time. At least I know my lines by now.

My goodness…I’m quite the self-pitying little whiner tonight! Would somebody please slap me and tell me to stop it?

Shippy's avatar

I don’t know who Katie is @JLeslie , but I do miss Oprah. I used to love her shows. I have no TV currently so am enjoying Dr Phil on You Tube. Well until they took down the person who was uploading all his full shows. I was totally bummed. @SadieMartinPaul loll, yep I am laughing I know those conversations so well. Hang in there. One day you will miss her and do anything just to have her back for a five minute cuddle. Maybe add something shocking! Like did you know she went straight???? That might change the content of the topic

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@Shippy Hi, my dear! Long time, no see.

Well, I often tell Mom that Ellen and her partner are married, that Ellen wore a boyish suit to her wedding, and that Portia wore a white dress and veil. That news fascinates Mom every time.

Yes, I do indeed cherish my time with Mom, and I can’t imagine life without her.

hearkat's avatar

I was getting an oil change and the show came on the TV in the waiting room. I usually try to find a way to mute or power-down waiting room TVs, because I despise television – especially commercials and soap operas. But there were other people waiting, too, so I had no choice. Being very distractible – especially auditorily – I am incapable of ignoring it and just reading or surfing the web on my tablet. Her guest was 50 Cent. I was listening to hip hop whence first came out, so I was curious about what he’s been up to. The interview seemed very scripted or rehearsed to me.

jca's avatar

I used to like Katie a lot on the Today Show and I was sad when she left. I have not watched the new show because I am usually at work but maybe I’ll follow the guests and tape it occasionally. The only day time show I watch on occasion is Kelly and Michael (formerly Regis and Kelly, formerly Regis and Kathy Lee) because when I’m home from work, I may be home in the morning to watch it and but not usually all day.

reijinni's avatar

Never bothered, just another excuse to see what else is on.

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