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JLeslie's avatar

Have you ever been on the stress diet?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) March 1st, 2013

It’s been a long time since stress has killed my appetite. It isn’t completely dead, but definitely not as hungry as usual. Lost a few pounds, definitely a side benefit. I hate being so stressed, I really think it shortens my life, but I did wear a pair of jeans last night I have been trying to get into.

Boredom and sadness can make me eat, but anxiety tends to do the opposite.

So, have you ever lost weight on the stress diet? Usually from life’s big changes like moving (what I am currently going through) divorce, marriage, death of a loved one, illness. What caused you to lose weight that was not during a purposeful weight losing diet? Were you happy to lose the weight?

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10 Answers

bob_'s avatar

I lost quite a few pounds when I started my current job a year and a half ago. It involved moving to a new city and much longer hours.

I eventually settled in and gained the weight back. Now I’m losing it once again by eating better and exercising more.

filmfann's avatar

I lost about 25 lbs from stressing. I remember sitting down and eating dinner, and my wife was so happy to see me eating again. I hadn’t noticed that I had stopped.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

I lost weight after my hubby passed away.

It kind of pissed me off actually. As a teen I was always about 20lbs overweight nothing huge then I got pregnant gained lots of weight then I had my daughter and lost all the weight and was nice and slim and trim and fit and happy. Then I got diagnosed with bipolar. After years of yoyo’ing on different pills I gained weight because of the pills. And struggled to get it off. And then my husband died and the doctor found the right pill. This pill has anorexic side affects. So add that together with the grief and you have a great recipe for losing weight, that and yeah I didn’t mention that now I am addicted to exercising :/

In the last 2 weeks I’ve lost 10lbs.
I am almost positive too I am losing weight at this very moment from freezing since the heat doesn’t work due to a broken water tank lol :/

zenvelo's avatar

I didn’t but my sister did.. She lost 50 lbs when she got divorced. She’d been overweight but she got too skinny.

I gained weight from eating too many desserts when I got a divorce.

Judi's avatar

It really has to be bad for the “stress diet ” to hit. Stress usually makes me nervous eat.
Haven’t been stressed enough to lose weight because if it since my 20’s

Bellatrix's avatar

I had a bad relationship break up and lost weight. Generally when I’m stressed I put weight on. I hope you get some ‘stress relief’ soon even if it is great to be able to wear those jeans.

DigitalBlue's avatar

No. I kind of wish, though. I’m an incredibly anxious person, if I lost weight from stress I would look a hell of a lot better than I do right now. I feel like I gain weight from stress.
In all seriousness, I hope the rest of your move goes smoothly and that you can relax a bit. Being stressed out is no fun, and I agree that it’s no good for you. Try to find some time to decompress throughout this process. I feel like stress loads on top of itself, you have to relieve it or it will just build up and consume you.

bookish1's avatar

I lost a bunch of weight while trying to finish my last few weeks of college. I was doing multiple all-nighters and wrote a 60 page history paper in a week… and then slept 5 hours and started on another 30 page history paper. I didn’t really care about the weight loss. It was an absolutely miserable time, being that busy and sleep-deprived. Never again!!! (The “starving vegetarian grad student in Paris diet” was much more enjoyable, and effective too.)

I hope that you feel in a better place soon, @JLeslie.

Mariah's avatar

Both my mom and I have experienced this when I’m sick, and it sucks because neither of us has excess weight to lose. I especially and way underweight.

Mom’s weight loss was quite literally from stress. Her body had a nasty habit of vomiting when she was super stressed out, and my illness did it to her. I always felt incredibly guilty about that even though it wasn’t anything I had control over – my illness or her reaction to it.

Mine was a little more far removed from stress. It was more like… stress triggers illness, illness in my case being digestive problems, digestive problems trigger anxiety over what I put into my body, anxiety triggers anorexia. Never anorexia nervosa mind you, I know I’m underweight, but I had these awful mental images of food just ripping up my insides and I was too afraid that eating was exacerbating my problems. Food just became repulsive. And it wasn’t all mental either, my digestive problems themselves caused weight loss. A bad flare up would bring me down to 75 pounds.

I don’t have that problem anymore!!

janbb's avatar

I lost seven pounds in the two weeks after my husband left and about another five over the year. It has stayed off – mainly because I don’t eat all that much and also because I walked a lot. Not happy about the reason but happy with my weight.

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