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glacial's avatar

How long do you keep homemade preserves that were given as a gift?

Asked by glacial (12155points) March 2nd, 2013

Not something that you made yourself, but preserves in a jar that someone else prepared. How long do they remain on your shelf before you start raising an eyebrow?

Asked because this question reminded me that I have a jar or two that I should sort out.

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10 Answers

Unbroken's avatar

Well generally if I haven’t eaten it in a year it either gets scraped or turns into a running joke.

I had someone give me homemade wine one time. Maybe 12 bottles or maybe it was just 6. I think they may have been trying to kill me.

Despite endless teasing, a few gag gifts I think we still had a few bottles left upon leaving and I was there almost two years. I either threw them out or left them as a housewarming present to the next resident.

If you haven’t eaten them yet, why not? Would you ever under any circumstances other then dire and unlikely?

Do you enjoy mercilessly teasing your friends? Do they take it well?

glacial's avatar

I think it starts out as an “I must save this for a special occasion” thing… then somewhere it crosses a “Gee, I should really have eaten this by now – the next time I make something appropriate, I’m opening this” line. This is shortly followed by “Oh crap, I forgot this is still here – it feels wrong to throw it out, but I’m no longer sure it’s safe to eat”. I swear I have done this 3 or 4 times over the years, although I am genuinely grateful to receive the gift, and am sure I would enjoy it. I guess the trick is never to save it for an occasion.

Pachy's avatar

Well, I mean, they are called PRESERVES. ;-)

Unbroken's avatar

Here is a less technically correct of thorninmud’s accurate statement. If the lid is sealed shut or resists opening and if the top doesn’t pop back up when you press down in the center prior to opening it will usually be good.

The nutritional content will be somewhat dimished, for the additional time shelf time but high cooking temps probably helped that happen anyway. However it still will be tasty for years.

I know what you mean though. I have done much the same thing. I am sure it is quite common.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I have eaten preserves that are many, 4? 5?, years old as long as the wax top is secure.
I know just what you mean about thinking that I should save it for a special occasion, then forgetting about it.
Last year, after Christmas, I decided I was only going to eat stuff that was on my shelves and the freezer. There were things there several years old and they were fine. I allowed myself to buy the usual perishables like milk and eggs but I was able to last until the end of March!
I could clean the freezer without having to throw things away. I like that.

In fact you just inspired me to go freezer shopping right now. ;-)

glacial's avatar

@LuckyGuy I actually made a similar pledge this year – but I haven’t been desperate enough to try the preserves yet. With enough encouragement, I imagine I’ll get there. So nice to see more space on my larder shelves, though!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@glacial Isn’t it great! I went through the outdated emergency food that is in the basement too. I am still working on that. Cans of Easy Cheese that outdated in 2011. Apple sauce Vintage 2009 (a very good year). Yum!

glacial's avatar

@LuckyGuy Haha! I moved cross-country couple of years ago, so I don’t have anything quite that old. But I must say, it takes a bit of discipline to walk down a grocery aisle looking at cans of soup or whatever, and repeat my mantra “Eat the food you have!” I don’t know why this should be… obviously, the cans in my larder looked just as tantalizing when I bought them.

Sunny2's avatar

Until we’ve eaten them or they get moldy or discolored, which ever comes first.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

They’d have to be pretty awful to last very long around me!

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