Social Question

Unbroken's avatar

Motivational way to start my day.

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) March 2nd, 2013

I have been up for hours and have a ton of things to do today.

Haven’t started on anything not pressing.

A motivation soundtrack anyone? Or maybe some other ideas to get my procrastinating butt in gear??

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12 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I’m a huge procrastinator, so I may not be much help. When I have to get things done, I usually try to do a short, easy task first. Often, that helps spur me to get other things done, too. Something silly that really helps me is putting on real shoes. I wear ‘house shoes’ at home (comfy clogs), and putting on my tennis shoes helps shift me into work mode.

Unbroken's avatar

@augustlan good idea. Getting dressed now.

@ragingloli That had me laughing. I couldn’t help but notice the two hour parody below it. Yikes!

Sunny2's avatar

I agree with putting on shoes that give you a little energy when you walk in them. Sneakers do it for me. There are probably shoes that work even better than sneakers, but I don’t want so much bounce that I’m a foot in the air with every step. Just a little suggestion of a hint to keep moving.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am also one of the world’s worst procrastinators.

Make a list of what you need to do the next day before you go to bed. Put it by your bed so it is there when you wake up. Don’t make the first thing checking email or Fluthering. I love Fluthering but it is a huge time drain.

Unbroken's avatar

@Sunny2 seems to be working for me.. I took a break to give my cat some one on one time.. She’s a bit angry with me.

@Bellatrix I love lists they make me so efficient. But knowing this I rarely do it. Truly a puzzle to me.

blueiiznh's avatar

I just get up and do even the slightest think physical to get me moving. Once i do one, it usually works into more. Don’t beat yourself up if you in fact have a quiet day.
Lists are one thing, but try to prioritize the items on it and put some goals and rewards for hitting your goals.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Prepare a checklist of important tasks you want to achieve tomorrow, before you go to sleep at night. Look at it in the morning!

Unbroken's avatar

@blueiiznh That seemed to work for me today. I got shoes on got moving, started with a small task or two. Then I told myself if I did one I was dreading I could Fluther for a bit. But spurred by my progress I got to going again. Later I spent an hour or so cuddling my cat. Was tempted to stop there but my anxiety and self flaggelation kicked in about procrastinating. So I got busy. It was a productive day. : )

@Dr_Lawrence I need to get over my thing about lists. I always like them, just the thought of making one just sends me into avoid mode.

Bellatrix's avatar

What about putting obvious things on your list. Things you are going to do anyway. That way you start to get into the habit of doing and crossing off? Have shower. Eat healthy breakfast. Phone mum. Write letter to bank. So you include tasks you probably don’t want to do in with things you already will do and some nice things. Ring friend about dinner. Also maybe build in some reward tasks. So you do one thing and then you can watch your favourite programme on TV. You do another thing and you can eat that lovely piece of fruit your bought. It might work.. in the end (like me) we just have to make ourselves do things.

blueiiznh's avatar

@rosehips way to go. small steps in the right direction….

Unbroken's avatar

@Bellatrix What a fun approach. I will try it.

@blueiiznh Thanks for the encouragement

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