Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Just wondering; if you are having a tough couple of weeks; do you happen to be a Capricorn?

Asked by JLeslie (65850points) March 2nd, 2013

Some of you know I have been quite stressed with selling my house and that we are going to move. My aunt is going through a very bad time also. She is a Capricorn like me. She usually comments that it must be our horoscope. I don’t really believe in that stuff, but I think it can be fun.

Are you a Capricorn? Have things been going good?

If you are another sign feel free to tell us how it is going.

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15 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Yes, I am a Capricorn, but the last couple of weeks have been fine for me.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m a Capricorn and I’ve been quite happy the past few weeks. Sorry to hear you are having a difficult time. I hope it turns around for you soon.

janbb's avatar

I am and I have been terrible.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Nah, Gemini. Suckiness knows no sign.

answerjill's avatar

I know that some folks who are into astrology say that the past couple of weeks may have been challenging because Mercury is in retrograde. I don’t know if they would say that this occurrence hits Capricorns especially hard.

Haleth's avatar

Tough is relative. My last few weeks have been a series of obnoxious obstacles, never having enough money, personal problems, and extra-long hours at work… but on the other hand, I have a car to drive, a pretty decent job, and a stable place to live. Not a capricorn.

Shippy's avatar

I am a Scorpio and going through a tough time with my house sale! So maybe I have a Capricorn rising!!

JLeslie's avatar

@answerjill Interesting.

@Shippy Maybe so. I know very little about horoscopes.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, A cappy here too, and going through a similar high stress move right now.
I have had my emotional moments, but for me, I am very adaptable and once I have a plan, I climb the mountains presented with great agility in true goat fashion.
I am not turning my house over until April and in the last 6 days, from securing the new place I have sold all my plants off my deck, pulled my hot tub, have a giant dump pile going out today, a thrift store pile in my garage and have sold half my furnishings as I am going from a larger home to a tiny place.

I am very creative and resourceful and while this is not a happy time, I am confident I will adapt.
A few weeks ago when I knew I couldn’t keep maintaining my lifestyle
in the manner I am accustomed I went through a week long phase of alternating between extreme grief and exciting positivity.
That was a very bad week, I would be feeling accepting of the changes and then I would turn down my little road and burst into tears.
Being the stubborn and tenacious little goat I am, once I bang myself up on the rocks of life changes for a bit, I then gain a clarity and focus of mission and am able to leap from the tallest cliffs and land on my pointy little hooves with ease.

Of course, being only human, I know there will be more moments of loss and sadness arising, but the last few days I am too busy to coddle my emotional side, a goats gotta do what a goats gotta do. ;-)

JLeslie's avatar

@Coloma Luckily, I deal with the change well. My biggest stressor is worrying about the house sale going smoothly and finding the new place to live. The change itself is fine. I believe there are nice people everywhere, we have always made our niche where we live, and I love being with my husband, so no matter where we are at least I have that, even when I am not thrilled with the city. Where we are moving I see many of my long time friends more because people like to visit when you live in Florida. Plus, we will be just 4 hours from my husband’s parents, flights will be cheaper for me to fly home and visit friends and relatives, hopefully we will now and then utilize being able to ctach last minute cruises fir super cheap, there are many positives about the move.

mazingerz88's avatar

Capricorn here. When astrological readings seem bad for Capricorns I switch to the Chinese zodiac where I was supposedly born on the Year of the Monkey. Its personality description of those born in that year, at least the one I found and kept, was pretty inspiring, optimistic and nicely on the mark. Lol.

JLeslie's avatar

@mazingerz88 I’m a monkey too!

mazingerz88's avatar

And that explains your awesomeness. : )

Coloma's avatar

I have never met a Capricorn I didn’t like, now most Scorpios and Libras…not a good blend. lol
Capricorns rock! :-)

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