Won't you stand and bow to our latest 20k contributer?
Asked by
filmfann (
March 2nd, 2013
It’s Dutchess_III !
Don your tiaras, black tie, and lace gowns and wish her well!
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68 Answers
May I begin by saying how glad I am that you contribute here! Congo Rats and WTFG!
03/02/2013 7:00p.m. hit 20,000 lurve.;-)
Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! Congratulations!
Thanks you guys. I saw it coming..but couldn’t stop it! (Does that mean I’m old now?)
I bow to the @Dutchess_III while I remain a teenager….
(BTW…since you’ll all be gathered into one place for a while (here), I’ll take this moment to mention that it’s tax time in the Kingdom. We accept Visa, checks, cash and cheescake.)
Ahhh @filmfann! My eyes are astigmatized! Off with your head!
@Dutchess_III Thank you for the reminder. I am using Turbine Tax right now to generate the most deductions.
Oh look!!! There’s a Fluther deduction for individuals over 20k !!!
Congratulations @Dutchess_III! Can’t wait until your new house is built so I can come and stay and help you decorate :D You are such a fun jelly. Very glad you are here to brighten our days.
Thanks @Bellatrix and @LuckyGuy. I’m glad to be a member of this family. (What’s the deduction Lucky Guy??)
I love a jelly who loves to laugh.
Too late mate taxes have been paid. Maybe when you age 10 k in a year…
(See my new dress? I got it at Goodwill, just for this occasion!)
It called the FTAM deduction. (Fluther Time And Money)
Every instant you spend on this site, you are not out spending money. For some people that can be a substantial savings.
For me – not so much. I’m the guy eating 2 year outdated Easy Cheese on a stack of expired triscuits.
Congatulations once.
Congratulations twice.
Congratulations Dutchess once, twice, thrice!
Ew @LuckyGuy! Is that my 20K dinner? Outdated Easy Cheese on a stack of expired triscuits?
@wundayatta I do seem to meet myself coming and going!
Mmmmmm @fundevogel! Nice! You are the new head bartender for The Kingdom! Which means you don’t pay taxes.
Congratulations, Dutchess!
Congrats Dutchess_III I always enjoy your viewpoint. Keep on improving those young minds.
The dutchess is in the mansion! Congratulations! The party is in full swing now, drinks by the pool and food in the fancy eating room.
Hope your new house is everything you want it to be.
A deep curtsy and sincere congratulations to you madame!
Nice, @chyna! I’ve stored the crowns away someplace safe.
* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS * * * GOOD WORK * * * Y * A * Y * *
Congrats to you Dutchie! You are a royal act for sure!
Surrender Dorothy Sorry, wrong thread. And everyone knows Kansas doesnt exist, anyway… Congratulations!
Dutchess! My Fluther and FB friend! Dutchess my favorite Aristocat! Dutchess, the name of my first cat. Congratulations on your latest Fluther achievement!
Outstanding. My very first chance to attend a party for royalty while wearing a tiara, black tie and lace gown. I have the perfect outfit picked out and you can’t believe how flattering it is. @Dutchess_III is going to LURVE it.
Congrats. Many thanks to your dialogue. Enjoy all the gifts in the 20k gift bag.
Congratulations! Here we are bowing and scraping and you levy a tax. Haven’t you learned from history? How many cheese cakes = 50 dollars, pounds, euros, whatever. Or would you take 52 loaves bread every year?
Dude. ’‘glomps’’ Congratulations, and cheers. :)
Congrats, girlie! All our lurve are belong to you!
Up to the Mansion Tower the Dutch Dutchess goes! Well done my lady!!!!!!!!!
Good for you ! Sincere congratulations.
Congratulations! 20,000 is a great deal of lurve.
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS our royal Dutchess of Flutherwall-!!!!!
Yay @Dutchess_III !!!
I always love chatting and playing with you in the great Fluther sandbox. :-)
Your name also always reminds me of an old friend who had her master gardening certification and her email was ” Dutchess of dirt!” lol
You have been a fun and lively addition here since you came on board. pun intended.
Adore you! Congratulations!!
@WillWorkForChocolate Kansas does too exist. It’s on Facebook! Guards! Double her taxes!
@jca You named your cat after me? I am honored. You are now tax exempt.
@rooeytoo Thank you, thank you! (Curtsies deeply)
@ETpro Love your class! Everyone else wants to take their clothes off. You are tax exempt.
@mangeons… A royal song just for you!
Everyone…You guys are awesome. Let’s move this party to the Cheese Cake Factory in Kansas City They have good food, booze and CHEESECAKE! On me! (Of course, I’ll have to double taxes for the rest of the year to pay for it, but that’s OK.:)
Damn. So we couldn’t take away points, huh?
Well done!!!
Congrats! You hardly hold back from speaking your mind and that’s a good thing!
Oh my goodness . . . I missed this somehow. My usually late self is very late. Congratulations on your momentous achievement, @Dutchess_III.
Wow @Dutchess_III, well done!! Congratulations to you, enjoy the party!
Thank you you guys!
@Mama_Cakes I do too kinda hold back! A little…a little.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Sorry I’m late and hope the party was great!
Congratulations @Dutchess_III ! You often make me laugh because of your take on things. You tell some good stories.
20Kongratulations @Dutchess_III You make the mansion into a palace.
Thanks @tedibear! It WAS good…but it started on a Sunday so not much beer and cheesecake. HOWEVER, almost everyone left their clothes on and for that I am grateful. :}~.
Thanks @Earthgirl. I knew you were a Fluther person after your first five questions.
@flutherother Thanks to you too. See you here soon! I’ll keep the light on (unless people get nekkid. Then I’m turning it off and going to bed.)
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