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JLeslie's avatar

If it is the middle of the night where you are why are you up?

Asked by JLeslie (65850points) March 3rd, 2013

It’s 3:30am where I am and I have already been up for an hour. Many jellies know I have been a nervous wreck the last couple of weeks. I’m selling my house and moving, and I don’t even think after I sell it I will feel some relief, at least not for a while. Then I have to deal with finding something where we are moving.

Why are you up in the middle of the night? What are you thinking about right now?

I was hoping a little conversation would relax me.

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18 Answers

amujinx's avatar

4:40am here. I’m up only because I sleep during the day during the winter. Partly because snow plowing happens more often at night (not that there has been much snow here this year), and partially because I natural prefer a night schedule when I have the choice. Surprising I even caught this, I usually don’t go on here during the night since it’s usually so dead.

livelaughlove21's avatar

5:10 here. I had my alarm set to 5 so I could take my puppy outside to potty. Back to sleep for at least 4 hours.

Bellatrix's avatar

It’s only 8.11 pm here. Insomnia is such a pain as is moving house, let alone moving states.

Shippy's avatar

It’s not the middle of the night for me. But last night I too was awake at a strange hour. Regards the move, as you may know I have sold and am about to move overseas. I have had so much to deal with this last year so that of course is adding to my stress. Plus I had imagined that by now the transfer would be through. It is delayed for another hopefully only 7 days.

Here’s what is getting me through this move. You have your own ideas and thoughts on your own move. But for me it is about clearing. Clearing a space physically in order to make space for all that is new. I am now willingly letting go of items that really are symbols of a past life. I am embracing all that is new and all that is change. Since really if I am honest this past life didn’t work very well for me, for years. So I focus on the excitement.

Make lists, don’t sit in your head thinking lists. Email those people you need to while it is quiet. Decide what you need to tell the movers when they get there, and make a list for that also. Letting go is hard, but often it is for the better hence the shift anyway. Picture in your mind the house you want fill it with sunshine, it is there it exists. You just have to find it. It’s an adventure.

augustlan's avatar

I’m nocturnal and am hardly ever asleep in the middle of the night. It’s 5:23 AM here, and I haven’t been to bed yet (though I did take a nap around 9 last night.) Wishing you some stress-free days ahead, and a smooth transition!

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s 5:15 AM on a Sunday. I thought I’d be able to stay in bed until 8 but thoughts of an upcoming contract started going through my head and I got tense. I got a hot flash and my stomach began to churn so I got up and came here to hide.

Bellatrix's avatar

Ha! Can so relate to that feeling @LuckyGuy. I’m watching Masterchef.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Indigestion, nightmares, worries and now a dog to add to all that!

JLeslie's avatar

I just woke up after having fallen asleep not too long after I wrote this Q. It’s 7:15am now.

@Shippy The lists are a good idea. The problem with picturing where I want to live is I have no idea if I want to be in a house a condo, I have many things swirling through my head regarding that. I have no real idea what I want. A while back we had listed our house to move locally and build what we desired, and I knew exactly what I wanted. The market was horrible back then and we eventually just took the house of the market.

marinelife's avatar

It isn’t and I’m not.

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve been sleeping through the night just about every night for the last few years now. The only time I didn’t was when I had to fly the next day. I hate airport security and worrying about getting through lines in time to make the plane. Now I guess that will get worse. But fortunately, I have no flying vacations planned.

filmfann's avatar

It’s funny. I woke up at 2:30 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. I nearly came down to the computer to see if anyone else was on, but didn’t want to give up on getting rest, since today will be busy. Now I am sorry I didn’t.

gailcalled's avatar

I found moving exhilarating as well as nerve-wracking; it gave me a chance to get rid of mountains of stuff I no longer liked nor needed. Now, for example, I have only possessions that I love and am starting to unload some of them, also. Less to dust and repair.

Every new move enabled me to re-evaluate both metaphysically and practically. I was never able to get it completely right and that was also good. When I think of my wish list twenty-five years ago and my present one, I have to laugh.

My fantasy now would be a guy, who never speaks, with a chain saw, a brush hog and a Dr. of Landscape Architecture, rather like Capability Brown, who could also paint, reroof and do carpentry, plumbing and electric repairs.

I awaken often during the night but listen to audio books on a Walkman in the dark with my eyes closed. It prevents the brain from running in overdrive and enlightens me. At the present, I am almost through the David McCullough bio. of John Adams, a redoubtable soul and excellent roll model. As a 62-year-old president, he rushed out of the White House in the middle of the night when the building next store caught on fire; he joined the bucket brigade.

That’s the metaphor, isn’t it?

(I never, ever turn the computer on as a cure for insomnia.)

YARNLADY's avatar

On weekdays, I sleep until noon or past, and I am usually on Fluther until 3 am. However, on weekends, I have my grandsons, so I go to bed around 10 pm and they wake me up around 8 am. I get on Fluther for a short time Saturday. On Sunday, I get on during breakfast (now) and after they go home, around 6 pm.

Today Mr. X is turning 6 and we have a party scheduled at Chuck E Cheese. Our family loves that place. We are lucky to have a very well run facility that is a pleasure to visit. We have been there for every birthday of both the boys. The youngest will be 4 in May.

AshLeigh's avatar

I didn’t see this until it was no longer the middle of the night, but I haven’t been to sleep yet. It is 10 AM.
I haven’t slept because I am at a friends house, and I have trouble sleeping at anyone else’s house D:

Ayesha's avatar

Midnight here. I’m off from school tomorrow so I’m trying to decide what movie to watch.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Well it is not the middle of the night right now. But the middle of my last night was particular not so good. I was asleep and usually I sleep with the radio on sleep mode which lasts 60 min total. For some reason it did not go off for about 3hrs. I was asleep and I was having a dream in which my dead husband was haunting me or taunting me or maybe both he was around and never in reach I was calling to him, I could hear a song playing and I woke up crying, and the song was actually playing on the radio.

I know my dream is about letting my husband go, and I know logically it probably is time for me to move on. My body is dealing with it this way. But in return the price to pay is that it has been affecting my sleeping patterns. In the chinese astrology I am a snake, and apparently this is my year, I suppose this is the year to shed the old skin, which I think is what my body is trying to do.

Paradox25's avatar

I work odd hours, so I’m used to being up at night if I’m not working that day. Sometimes stress keeps me up at night too.

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