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ucme's avatar

You hear a knock on your front door, you open it & find a smiling clown honking his horn, what's your immediate reaction?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 3rd, 2013

There’s no reason for asking this bloody silly question, but I watched IT (again) last night & well, that’s all the excuse I need =0}
Answer whichever way you see fit, it’s all good…I mean, it’s not like this shit’s going to make the front pages.

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35 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I am all for peace and non-violence, so I would return the smile.
Then I would point to his over-sized pointy shoes and tell him his laces are untied.
When he looks up again, confused, because they aren’t, I’d punch him on his ridiculous big nose.

ucme's avatar

@rebbel Sounds like a potential double act in the making, if he fell for that trick, he deserved what he got.

glacial's avatar

Look at his shoes.

You’re missing a topic: “can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me” :)

JLeslie's avatar

First, I would never open my door. But, let’s go with the premise of your question. I would slam the door scared shitless.

Pachy's avatar

Somebody died and willed me a circus!

jonsblond's avatar

My dogs would probably lunge at the poor clown. I hope he’s a bad clown so I don’t have to feel so bad.

glacial's avatar

@jonsblond They’re all bad clowns.

AmWiser's avatar

Oh hell, I’m being robbed!!!

blueiiznh's avatar

Can I drive your funny little car?

LuckyGuy's avatar

“Very funny, Bozo!” (Said with a smile – as the safety silently slips from “S” to “F”.)

mazingerz88's avatar

I will yell, Damn you Stephen King, damn you-!

cookieman's avatar

I’d tackle him down the concrete stairs and hope the impact of 275lb. me landing on top of him would knock him out.

Then I’d yell to my wife to toss me some long zip ties and I’d bind him up.

Fuckin’ clown

filmfann's avatar

Something like this

SuperMouse's avatar

How in the world did @ucme get my address?

wundayatta's avatar

Probably call the police. We don’t appreciate masked people around here, and I don’t care if they are clowns or women wearing the Chador.

There is one day a year for masked people: Halloween, and we sit out on the porch for that together with all the neighbors. This is not a clown friendly world.

Also, I think clowns are slurs against the homeless and the mentally ill. I no longer find them funny.

What is IT?

filmfann's avatar

If you haven’t seen it, this will give you the idea.

wundayatta's avatar

If it’s Stephen King, I’m not watching it. It would be nice if you warned people about things like that.

Berserker's avatar

I am the Eater of worlds…and of children!!

Sunny2's avatar

I’d ask, “Do you have room for one more in your little car?”

Bellatrix's avatar

I’ve seen It. There is no way I’m opening the door.

Unbroken's avatar

Huh @filmfann. It has been a while but that is not the It I remember.

It couldn’t have a remake…

So what would I do? Ask him what he wanted while I grabbed him by his short and curly’s and tried to see what was underneath.

amujinx's avatar

Tell him I don’t understand horn honking. I would view it more of an annoyance than anything. Clowns don’t bother me.

It seems appropriate to put this here though.

ucme's avatar

@filmfann Perfect reaction.
@SuperMouse Oh that wasn’t me, it was your ex…besides, i’d have tripped over your unwelcome mat ~
@wundayatta I thought everyone knew of the movie, that was profoundly wrong of me & I should be purged accordingly.
@Symbeline Yeah, but how about answering the fucking question :-)

Cheers all, good stuff.

ucme's avatar

Oh & extra thanks to both who gave GQ’s, i’ve no idea why, but cheers anyway :-)

rory's avatar

Quite honestly I would scream and run.

mazingerz88's avatar

Seeing this clown, I’ll be thinking….I knew Fluthering would come to this.

rojo's avatar

Oh hell, is there another election coming up?

mazingerz88's avatar

Oh freakin…was I that drunk last night-?

Berserker's avatar

@ucme I did answer it. If a clown knocked over here, that’s what I’d say! :D

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline I know you did, but couldn’t rule out the possibility of you just thinking aloud :-)

deni's avatar

Absolute terror, what the hells he want?

blueiiznh's avatar

But i already voted in the last election…..

downtide's avatar

I would assume he’s collecting for some charity or other, say politely “Sorry, not interested” and close the door again.

Earthgirl's avatar

“Goddamn!!! Is it really true that the Holloways have come to town??!!! They’re the best! well, at any rate, I do like their song Generator…

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