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XOIIO's avatar

I need photoshop help (making an image spin)

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) March 6th, 2013

Alright, so I’ve re-jailbroken my iphone, and I put video wallpaper back on it, however I found an awesome image that I thought would look cool as video turning, so I decided to make it.

After a lot of cutting, pasting, erasing and filling in gaps, I have an image that while rough on the edges, if you make a layer with a gap in the middle that is the iphone 4s screen resolution, it can turn smoothly and look perfect (I’m quite proud that I was able tog et it to work actually).

However, I need some way to turn this image into a video of it rotating, but only showing the area that will be the background. I was thinking of doing it with a GIF and converting it to video, I have before, but this would be a lot of rotating, and since the image isn’t uniform I have to set the center each time which is unreliable. Arbitrary rotate would work if it uses the center but It’s roating the whole thing.

Someone please help me figure this out, here is the PSD, I’m at a dead end with this.

If there woulkd be a way to get the stupid target to be in the middle it would be fine, but its always off center even if I make the canvas perfectly quare.

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5 Answers

rooeytoo's avatar

I have an app on my iphone called GifVid 2 I am not positive but I think you could use that to turn the photo into a gif that would rotate but wow, that would take your battery down fast if you had it going continuously, at least I think it would!

XOIIO's avatar

@rooeytoo Not much actually, I’m sure it does but I’ve had videos on my background and lockscreen forever and I still only charge it once a day, I’s normal for me.

XOIIO's avatar

hrmm, I have gif software, I make an image that has the center at the perfect center, after the rotation its off centered, this is annoying to figure out.

rooeytoo's avatar

You’re going beyond me now mate! Let me know how it goes though, it is a cool design!

Silence04's avatar

Make a perfect square shape layer (by holding shift while making it) that is larger than object you are trying to rotate.

Enter free transform mode with the square shape layer (cmd+t). This will show a center point of the square.

Move the shape layer until the center point is aligned with the center of your circles. Hit enter to confirm the new location with free transform.

Then link the shape layer with your circle image layer/s

Now when you rotate, it will be based on the axis of the larger square shape and not the Smaller circles layer/s

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