Is it difficult for you, in a debate, to get over the blasphemy of someones point of view, and at least applaud their efforts.
My point is I’ve noticed that with the short time I’ve been on fluther, I am operating on here a bit differently than some other jellies. I’ve noticed that even though I completely disagree with someone’s rebuttal towards my opinion I always give them a great answer or I respond to them with “good point” or something to that extent. It seems though that when I try to add to my point of view towards my questions through answers, no one gives me a great answer, but to all the other points made in rebuttal to mine, are getting 6 to 7 great answers. I am not saying I am bitter or that this is consuming my mind but its just weird how no one is acknowledging my efforts lol
Which brings me to the question, am I doing something wrong here on fluther by consistently handing out “great answers” or giving acknowledgement to opposing views. Should I just worry about myself? Is this what you guys do?
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30 Answers
If I see a good answer (in my humble opinion). Regardless of whether it concurs with my own, that person gets a GA. Even if I find that particular jelly has behaved (what I consider) in a distasteful way toward me in the past. To me, a GA is a GA. I do however notice stinginess with GA selection with some jellies, so treat same for same
Let go of the GAs and GQs. Everyone handles them differently here. Some people give GAs because they appreciate honest attempts at answering the question, and others seem to never give GAs. I have done research on general questions and provided links to people. They have responded with “thanks, that works” but held off on the GA.
I find that ignoring the GAs is the best approach for me. I happen to be trigger-happy with my GAs, but I know others don’t feel this way.
Also, I give tons of GQs. It is so difficult to come up with questions to keep this place going. Some people have a real talent for it. Makes me feel a bit guilty for not posting more questions.
Well going back to how I was raised I was always taught to give respect to others and you’ll earn respect. It might be since I’m relatively new that to some extent I have to earn respect before someone considers my views. I get it.
I think there unfortunately can get to be a “ganging up” mentality on dissenters here and that is one of the flaws of this community. I try to be open to differing opinions and to recognizw a cogent post even when it is “wrong” :-) – but I have been remiss at times. There seem to be some hot-button issues (“puppy pads” – who knew?) which it is hard to dissent from. As for the GAs and GQs, it all comes out in the wash and we each do our own thing. (And I just gave you a GA.)
You were taught well but unfortunately the Internet is not the place best for manners. I actually think we are one of the more respectful communities in this Wild West.
I do admit that I have not given everyone a GA but like others have stated I’m a bit more “trigger happy” out of respect for others. I love to see people get involved and see cultures collide and in the end come together so that’s why I applaud everyone who gives effort.
Another thing is that I remember when I first joined fluther a year and a half ago I was very intimidated to offer my point of view because I was a newbie inside of this built community. So I can kind of understand how hard it is for someone to step out and oppose a view and offer their own insight. Which is why I will refuse to be apart of any hazing or ganging on an individual no matter how preposterous their view maybe. I would rather just stay away from the question.
Your answers are probably just wrong, that’s all.
It’s all a part of the process really. The smarter you get the more lurve you’ll have. Stick around.
@ninjacolin Jeez, that’s a bit harsh isn’t it? :) They’re just trying to learn.
@ninjacolin well I feel most of my opinions are actually based off of things I’ve studied or based off personal experience which can’t be really “wrong” maybe just “opposing.” I definitely plan on sticking around because even though there are some snobbish remarks and people you can’t argue the intelligence on here. I can handle my own, I am competitive, but I also love listening to others views which can hopefully lead to success on fluther and life in general.
If I’m debating with someone, and they make a “good point”, I will be forced to further research that point. If the point has merit, I will likely agree with it.
I don’t disagree with facts, and I don’t laud inaccuracy because it’s well-spoken.
@JoeyOhSoClever I like having my answers challenged. It makes me think through them more. Sometimes I agree with the responder, sometimes I don’t. But if I learn something from their response I’ve gained something that day.
@Adirondackwannabe Exactly. That’s another good point, I love to learn as well. So every opportunity I have to learn I take it. This Q&A community is a great place to learn about not just other people but yourself as well.
@JoeyOhSoClever You need a thick skin to be on a site like this. Sometimes you’ll get some sharp answers, but if you learn to let them roll off you’ll be fine.
I give GA’s to GA’s and nothing more.
@Adirondackwannabe Oh definitely. I’m glad I do have a thick skin or I might have left a long time ago lol I hope no one gets the idea that I am complaining. I was just simply wondering the ways other jellies give out GA’s and GQ’s compared to the way I do it.
GA and GQ often depends on the style of the writing – sometimes as much as the thought expressed – used to make the point. That is, what is said should be helpful, primarily, to the extent that it can be. If it can’t be helpful it should be clear. If it can’t be clear it should be interesting, and if it can’t be interesting it should be funny as hell.
Rarely, all of that can occur at once. That’s Fluther Heaven.
@CWOTUS I like how you incorporated those elements into this answer as well lol. It informed me plus made me laugh.
Excellent. My work is done here.
and thanks.
I always try to (as long as I don’t forget about the question) to give a GA if people answer my questions. I figure the effort is worth something.
Also, as a newbie, you can count on getting kicked around too. It’s what people do here.
I’ve seen a couple users get very irate when the troll they are arguing with gets great answers. I’ve started to give trolls great answers now because of this. It’s pretty funny to see some of our more respected users get their panties in a bunch over something so silly.
Everyone has their own reasons for handing out GA’s. I wouldn’t take it personal. As some people say, “It’s just the internet”. (I really hate that saying, but it’s true)
Sorry lol. This probably did belong in the meta section my bad.
@JoeyOhSoClever No biggie, it happens all the time. We moved it for you. :)
I give GAs to people I don’t agree with sometimes, if their answer is well thought out and made me think.
I wouldn’t give a GA when someone has merely responded to my post.
I’ll give a GA when it’s clear the poster thought about the topic and is adding to the ideas on the table.
It seems to me that there is a lot of inconsistency in Fluther GA responses, vaguely along topic lines. The more technical or fact-based the discussion is tends to draw less GA, while more opinion-oriented discussion, especially if it’s fun or funny, will draw a lot more.
Sometimes I wish there was LA (lousy answer) or TA (terrible answer) available for posts that are belligerent for the sake of it, or for an answer that shows the poster is not paying attention to the OP or to the flow of conversation. Fortunately, that’s a small minority on Fluther, I think.
@dabbler I see that as well. The more entertaining and social the questions and answers are I see them reap more GQ and GA’s. Good point.
@JoeyOhSoClever – ”Well going back to how I was raised I was always taught to give respect to others and you’ll earn respect.”
I consider “Great Answer” points as praise, which is entirely different from respect. If people are responding to what you post in a polite manner, then they are treating you with respect. If they hit the GA button, they are praising and rewarding that comment for one reason or another. If people choose not to praise or reward a particular comment, it is neither a sign of disrespect, nor of disapproval.
I have learned to ignore the points system, and I never cared for it since it started. I have made comments that got no Lurve, but someone who makes the same point later in the conversation might get lots of Lurve. There really isn’t much rhyme or reason to it.
lol, I was being facetious. Except for the stick around part, that was serious.
I give points to comments that make me happy I read them. Sometimes I disagree with the overall viewpoint but maybe they’ve raised an interesting challenge. Being exposed to and understanding fallacies and good logic is like playing a puzzle game. Some puzzles are better than others.
I think @ninjacolin meant was the less thrilling real life you have the higher your score here.
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