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ucme's avatar

What's your favourite "fight" movie?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 7th, 2013

Boxing/wrestling/martial art…let’s face it, anything that involves fighting of some description!!

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23 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Enter the Dragon of course! All the Bruce Lee films pretty much rule for me.

Jean Claude VanDamme’s got a few good ones, toom but I can’t remember the name.

How about you @ucme?

Seek's avatar

I have a warm, fuzzy place in my heart for Rocky IV. I know, it’s a HORRIBLE movie, but I just love it SO MUCH.

For more respectable options: Ip Man kicks some serious ass. And Way of the Dragon – Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris. I’m kind of amazed the world didn’t collapse due to all the awesome at that point.

Rarebear's avatar

Fight Club, but I can’t talk about it.

Brian1946's avatar

The Turning Point. It don’t get no better than this fight scene between MacLaine & Bancroft! ;-o

Also, JP3.

Aster's avatar

War of the Roses . lol Love it. Any others I don’t like; they’re just noise.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Aster That was great, I almost forgot that one!!

Berserker's avatar

Probably my favorite one is Kickboxer with Jean Claude Van Dame. Saw that so long ago, but I loved it. I eventually ended up owning it. I guess it’s a typical revenge story, in fact if you’ve seen Bloodsport it’s pretty much the same thing.

But Kickboxer was my first, and therefore has left its mark on me. Kickboxing champion gets paralyzed in the ring in Thailand, against one of their best champions. Said paralyzed champion has a little brother, who wants to avenge him. So he learns Muay Thai kickboxing from Xian, an old master. Vigorous training, some humor, a love story, tons of action, it’s got it all. Plus the villain, Tong Po, is one dastardly son of a bitch. He says TWO phrases in the whole movie, but he’s a real arsehole.
Anyways I love this movie haha. and it’s cheesy, but I love the soundtrack

Unfortunately, the sequels, which I believe there are four more of…are completely terrible. The second one is passable…but completely ridiculous. It follows from the first, where Tong Po, enraged at his defeat…kills everyone. He kills the main character, his girlfriend and his brother. Only Xian remains. So Xian travels to America…and for some reason, there’s a THIRD brother we never heard about, who gets trained, and somehow Tong Po is also in America…they didn’t even try. But it’s a fun movie to watch; kind of like how Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II is so damn dumb but still enjoyable. And speaking of which, I fucking love the first Ninja Turtles movie.

But for the Kickboxer series, I stopped at Kickboxer 3…saw part of 4, Tong Po is still around…but egads man, do those suck lol.

But I like old martial art movies like these, where the fighting at least looks plausible. Every time I rent a modern martial art flick, people run upside down in the sky for ten minutes and do things that are completely impossible. Bolo Yeung sneers in their general direction. XD

I also love Zatoichi the Blind Swordsman. That guy’s awesome, it has weird humor, and it takes a traditional story but makes it look original. I really should check out some of the older Zatoichi stuff, to see what they were like. And if nothing else, the sword fighting here is marvelous. Wish I could fight like that lol.
But the best sword fighting goes to Lone Wolf and Cub. I’ve only seen one movie though…but damn was it awesome haha.

On a not so related note; King of the Kickboxers; worse martial art movie in existence lol.

ragingloli's avatar

I quite like “The Forbidden Kingdom”. It has a great fight scene between Chackie Chan and Jet Li.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Symbeline That’s the one I’m thinking of I think, wasn’t Tong Po the one who tried to make the crowd cheer him when he killed the guy? Then he tried to cheat Jean Claude by rubbing glass into the fist bindings?

marinelife's avatar

I don’t like fight movies so I would have to say “Rocky.”

serenade's avatar

I like Redbelt and The Fighter. Raging Bull is a classic.

Berserker's avatar

@KNOWITALL That was in Bloodsport. The bad guy Chong Li does rile the crowd after killing his opponent, and the judges, displeased, turn his back on him. He also throws a powder in Van Dame’s face which temporarily blinds him during the fight.

The glue and glass thing on the fist bindings was in Kickboxer, and it was an ’‘ancient technique’’ used centuries ago. (according to the movie, anyway)

Pachy's avatar

Without a doubt, “Fight Club.” Brutal but often very funny. Two of my favorite actors—Pitt and Norton. A great pair-in-one.

filmfann's avatar

Another vote for Fight Club.

I also love “Hell in the Pacific”. Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune as two soldiers in World War II alone on an island.

SuperMouse's avatar

Billy Effing Jack. Dude runs around through the whole movie talking about non-violence while kicking everyone’s ass. Amazing Hapkido courtesy of non other than Bong Soo Han. Nothing else even comes close.

Plucky's avatar

I always liked the Jean Claude movies.

Brian1946's avatar

Gotta love the coke-snortin’, wife-beatin’ muscles from Brussels, John Clod Van Damn! ;-o

Pachy's avatar

Also Champion with Kirk Douglas and Body and Soul with John Garfield. These are late ‘40s movies but they’re still terrific.

ucme's avatar

Sorry it took a while to get back to this, as soon as I asked the real world came calling…what a nerve.
So anyway, where to begin…ah yes @KNOWITALL, I love me some Bruce Lee too & Enter the Dragon is his best film by far.
@Seek_Kolinahr Yeah, who’d a thought this dumb boxer clawing his way to the top would end up with a sentient robot & all alone rid the world of communism, amazing stuff.

@filmfann As I’ve mentioned a few times here, Hell in the Pacifc is one of my fave films, Marvin’s finest hour.
I guess my fave fight film has to be Raging Bull, shit hot performances all round & a rollicking story well told, cheers all, good stuff.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline Yeah, when I saw Tong Po kicking the thick wooden post before a fight, I knew Van Damme’s bro is toast. But he had no idea the younger brother would make him his bitch before the movie ends-! Lol

My favorite fights…

1. Jackie Chan vs those bad guy Kung Fu masters in Snake in The Eagle’s Shadow and The Drunken Master.
2. In the movie, The Yakuza, Ken Takakura’s sword fight with the Yakuza gangsters was one of the best, if not the best there is. Plus the whole movie was very good.
3. Peter Griffin vs the Chicken
4. Jet Li in Once Upon A Time In China
5. Cartman vs Wendy in South Park
6. Clint Eastwood vs Gene Hackman in Unforgiven
7. Harvey Keitel and Keith Carradine in the Duellists
8. Liam Neeson and Tim Roth in Rob Roy
9. Val Kilmer and Michael Biehn in Tombstone
10. Aragorn vs Lurtz
11. Blade vs Jared Nomak as the Reaper in Blade II
12. Frodo vs Gollum in Mount Doom

Berserker's avatar

@mazingerz88 Yeah, Tong Po is evil. Of course, he’s also the champion for that undergound mob, and that Freddy Lee guy is even worse. But did you notice? Two different actors seem to play Tong Po. The one in the beginning has whiter skin and is thin. The Tong Po after the opening fight seems to have darker skin, and he’s beefier.

I’m not confirming this, I never actually looked it up…but unless the actor worked out like mad and got a tan during production, it’s two different guys!

mazingerz88's avatar

Really-? Maybe twins-? Have to check that out. : )

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