Social Question

longgone's avatar

Which people do you have the least tolerance for? How do you cope with them?

Asked by longgone (19847points) March 7th, 2013

Not talking about peoples, or course. Just about different kinds of people.

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50 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Whiners and complainers. Shut the f up. Life always isn’t a bowl of cherries. But if you make the best of it, it can be golden.

SuperMouse's avatar

People who are willfully ignorant. Although now that you mention it @Adirondackwannabe, I have very little patience for whiners and complainers.

fremen_warrior's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe yes, I always did picture it more as a bucket rather than a bowl. Great minds ;)

@longgone that would be judgemental people. The kind of person that has to comment on everyone and everything that is different from what they think is ‘rght’. I just stay as far away as possible from people like that (and as a result I am typing this from my cave, deep in the Himalayas).

JoeyOhSoClever's avatar

Conceited people. People who think the world revolves around them, I have no time for.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@SuperMouse Yes the ignorant too
@fremen_warrior yes, the judgemental too. Mellow out and except other views. We don’t always agree, but we respect each other. That’s worth a lot.

jonsblond's avatar

Elitists. They are uncaring bastards. I try to ignore them.

chyna's avatar


majorrich's avatar

I’m with @SuperMouse Stupid people really tick me off, especially when they should know better. Worse if they ignore guidance.
I try to chant my Fathers wisdom with pity “Poor Sorry SOB, doesn’t know any better”

filmfann's avatar

This reminds me of this

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Where did either of us go off on babies? If you don’t know I’m a real softie for babies.

Plucky's avatar

I have the least tolerance for people who are:

- consistently angry/grumpy
– racist/discriminative/prejudice
– whiny/complaining/emo
– conceited
– preachy
– closed-minded
– ill-mannered/blatantly rude

blueiiznh's avatar

I have no tolerance for ignorant people. To me this covers a wide range from simple stupidity to arrogant assholes.

FutureMemory's avatar

People that complain about other people.

bkcunningham's avatar

I have no tolerance for people who have no tolerance for people.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@bkcunningham GA. Yes that’s true.

rooeytoo's avatar

I have problems with hypocrites. They say one thing, act all holier than thou then behave in a different fashion and somehow manage to justify their actions.

cheebdragon's avatar

I hate people who hate on haters.

I have no tolerance for people who pretend that they don’t judge anyone. It’s fucking bullshit, everyone is judgmental, it’s instinctual, don’t be a hypocrite.

livelaughlove21's avatar

- Rude people
– Racist or homophobic people
– Condescending people
– Arrogant people
– People who don’t know when to shut the hell up
– People who constantly whine
– Closed-minded people

Brian1946's avatar

Mad hatters and jack spratters really pepper my porridge! ;-(

philosopher's avatar

Users and manipulators make me ill. I will not tolerate them.

FutureMemory's avatar

People in general.

cheebdragon's avatar

If you were actually open minded, you wouldn’t be intolerant of anyone else. Perhaps you are confusing broad-minded with open-minded…..?

diavolobella's avatar

Willful ignorance here too. Also people who let their emotions override logic and hard facts to the point of foolishness. Mean spirited people. Chronically late ones too.

Sunny2's avatar

People who are overly critical of other people, as if they, themselves, had no faults.
People who have no consideration of others; they may be late all the time or oblivious to causing the discomfort of other people for any number of reasons.

woodcutter's avatar

People who dislike dogs.

Berserker's avatar

Uh…damn. The only real people I have no tolerance for are people in my personal life who I have come to abhor for several reasons which, I believe, do not all fit in a same category, and therefore may not apply to this question. Only personal examples then, which reek of petty emotional fuckery and rampant individualism. That said, people like me are the ones I can’t tolerate, haha. I suck! :D

FutureMemory's avatar

Life forms in general.

FutureMemory's avatar

People that love to tell others they’re wrong. Some act as if it’s the lifeblood that sustains them. Sad.

longgone's avatar

Oh, I agree with lots of you! I have problems with racists, no matter how moderate. Preachy people, too – and those constantly talking about themselves. (try talking about me, for a change. Much more interesting.)

mattbrowne's avatar

Cherry pickers with personal agendas.

Pachy's avatar

Drivers on their phones. I cope by shaking my head, clucking to myself, and staying out of their lane.

FutureMemory's avatar


Yes! As if whatever call they’re on can’t wait til they’re done driving. It’s against the law here in Cali, yet people still do it all the time. Accidents waiting to happen.

philosopher's avatar

You are 100% correct.
It is against the law in New York but they still do it.
We have bluetooth through the car and I tell my husband not to use it. I will not use it because it is too distracting.

Coloma's avatar

Manipulative and passive aggressive types!
OMG! If ever I could kill someone with my bare hands, these types would be it! haha
As soon as I identify someone as manipulative or passive aggressive I dump them like a litter box. lol

longgone's avatar

@Coloma: You’d hate me

Coloma's avatar

@longgone LOL…well….I have been warned ey? ;-p

cheebdragon's avatar

Slow drivers piss me off, and people who slow down as they enter the freeway. Backseat drivers and people who don’t use their blinker. To be honest, the only driver I like is myself.

Arewethereyet's avatar

People with rage issues, lighten up your a longtime dead and then you’ll have something to be angry about!

I also struggle with people who expect the world owes them a living and winge and Ming when it doesn’t deliver.

Plucky's avatar

@cheebdragon I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to use their signal…it should be second nature to any driver. Heck, I use it when I’m on some dirt road in the middle of no where, with no one around.

rooeytoo's avatar

I ride a motor scooter. I usually ride a couple of kph over the speed limit same as I do in the car. Why do people feel the need to pass when I am on the scooter. I was going to say but not when I am in the car but actually they pass me in the car too. Why does everyone want to drive faster than the speed limit? Not so bad on the highway but in residential areas, not a good decision!

Plucky's avatar

@rooeytoo I usually go about 15 – 20 km/h over the speed limit on the large highways when they aren’t really busy. The reason? I know I shouldn’t. But I do because, well, it’s faster I guess. I always slow down if passing someone on the highway though, especially if it’s someone going really slow (whether it’s one or multiple lanes). I can’t know how they might react if I whiz by them – might scare them off the road or something. I never…ever… speed in residential – it irks me when I see people do that.

rooeytoo's avatar

There are speed cameras everywhere so you never know. I don’t want to lose my license so I stay close to the speed limit. In so doing, I could lose my life because it seems the rest of the population does not worry!!!

cheebdragon's avatar

I don’t care if people want to do the speed limit, but keep it in the 1st lane, especially when the rest of traffic is going around 80mph. The speed limit in CA is 65, but traffic moves around 80 most of the time, and when everyone is going 80, it’s just dangerous to be the only vehicle going 65. There are a ton of tailgaters on the road, and suddenly coming up behind a car going slow, puts everyone at risk.

rooeytoo's avatar

@cheebdragon – don’t the police stop anyone? I always wonder why they make speed limits if they don’t intend to enforce them. My problems are in town, residential areas where speed limits are usually 50 or 60kph. As I said I always go the speed limit or slightly above but in most cases there is only one lane so I am tailgated and abused by speeders. What amuses me the most is that I almost always catch up with the asses at the next red light and then I smile and wave and give them the thumbs up. Why the hell does anyone want to hurry to get to the next red light?

cheebdragon's avatar

Who would they pull over if everyone is going the same speed? I doubt it’s worth the hassle for police. I don’t often speed on city streets, its only if I’m on a freeway.

jonsblond's avatar

I hear ya @rooeytoo. The closest freeway to us is an hour away. We only have two lane county highways with a posted speed limit of 55 mph in our area . You will get pulled over if you are caught going over 60 mph. Most drivers will drive around 60 mph. I usually drive 60 mph and now and then I’ll get someone who rides my ass and passes me, sometimes in a no-passing zone. It’s scary. I’ve seen so many close calls where there could have been a head-on collision. I always end up next to the person who passes me once we reach the nearest town and the speed limit drops. These people risk their lives and those around them for no reason than to be the first in line. They might not care if they risk lives and need to pay a speeding ticket, but I do. I can’t afford it.

Freeway and two lane highway driving are not the same. You’ll have a bunch of angry drivers behind you if your aren’t driving 75–80 mph on a freeway. On a two lane county highway you’ll get angry drivers if you are driving 75–80 mph.

cheebdragon's avatar

Other people are the worst part of life.

Im honestly surprised no one said “republicans”.

Earthgirl's avatar

People who think they are better than everyone else! So special that they deserve special privileges just for existing and being who they are!

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