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ninjacolin's avatar

Anyone been watching "The Bible" on History Television? What do you think of it?

Asked by ninjacolin (14252points) March 7th, 2013

The Bible – Docudrama home page.

Pretty fast paced. Maybe to a fault.. but still pretty well done, I would say. I only saw one episode about Moses’ story. I missed the parting-of-the-sea part though. Wanted to see how good the effects were. Oh well.

Hopefully gets to Netflix one day. I’d hit it.

Anyone see more of it? Comments, critique?

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13 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

No. But it is no surprise that the Hitler Channel would put another farce into its line up, right next to Ancient Aliens.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I love the Hitler channel! it is a constant reminder to those of German descent of their tendencies to make sweeping generalizations with a complete lack of self reflection.

Um, as far as I know, Moses had a speech impediment, or was uncomfortable with public speaking. I tuned out when they failed to even show this this in the first episode. It showed a sloppy disregard for the source material.

ninjacolin's avatar

hmm.. I think History channel tries to create unbiased snapshots of bias as it exists historically. I think it’s a good idea.

filmfann's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought is correct. Moses was more Woody Allen than Charleton Heston.

I am not watching this. I decided early on that I would just get the DVD set when it comes out, and keep my evenings free.

mattbrowne's avatar

Their tendencies to make sweeping generalizations with a complete lack of self reflection? I’m German and I demand an explanation. What do you mean by this? What tendencies?

Pachy's avatar

I’m looking foreard to the musical version.

Pachy's avatar

er, “forward” ...

fundevogel's avatar

Ha. I gave up on the History Channel after seeing a program where they let a dude with a confirmation bias the size of the Holy Land declare (unchallenged) that he had discovered the Garden of Eden and “let me show you it’s original location”. Psshaw. Why don’t we all just determine the age of earth by counting the begats while we’re at it?

National Geographic climbed onto my shit list too after they started trying to sell me a subscription on the strength of their Jesus articles. Eff you National Geographic. Your name used to stand for something.

mazingerz88's avatar

When I read that it was produced by the guy who made his money from the Survivor series and that his wife said they have produced it as a couple who just found God ( or something like that ) I just cringed.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Great graphics, and it doesn’t cut out Abraham sleeping with his slave or Sarah getting grumpy about it.

antimatter's avatar

I wonder what translation were they trying to show, certainly not the Kings James version.
History Channel should honestly find better things to air.
Wonder if they will make one TV show of the Koran? No pun intended…

Earthgirl's avatar

@mattbrowne I believe @Imadethisupwithnoforethought was trying to make a flimsy jab atRagingLoli. Insulting but facetious. Are you being facetious too or serious?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@mattbrowne The lady is correct, was attempting to pick on @ragingloli

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