Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

With what do you arm yourself with at all times?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) March 10th, 2013

I want your first thought when you read this question.

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39 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Street smarts, and a tiny Swiss Army knife on my key ring. Not for the blade so much, but you’d be amazed how often those tiny scissors have come in handy!

Judi's avatar


Jeruba's avatar

Who, me? Kleenex.

ragingloli's avatar

The power of Satan.

Plucky's avatar


Earthgirl's avatar


tedibear's avatar

My iTouch or a book.

ucme's avatar

Devastating charm & stunning good looks, toss in a touch of modesty & away we go.

ragingloli's avatar

I was not aware they had weapons with these names in World of Warcraft.

ucme's avatar

@ragingloli You just said the war word…controversial!

Pachy's avatar

A hundred dollar bill.

janbb's avatar

The love of my sons.

filmfann's avatar

Let’s just say I eat a lot of broccoli.

rebbel's avatar

My smile.

bookish1's avatar

Insulin, glucose, & the built-in bullshit detector on my face.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’d like to say the first thing that came to mind was: “my wits” .
But, the honest answer was: ”.380 auto”.

I’m so ashamed…

cazzie's avatar

My school ‘marm smile and kind eyes. If I must, I whip out my sense of humour and if I am pressed hard, I will peel back and expose my wit. I have been known to lash out at unarmed opponents, which may be unsporting of me, but it is damn funny sometimes.

jonsblond's avatar

I love the variety of answers. Thanks everyone. :)

mambo's avatar

@FutureMemory Ah, Albuterol. Without it, I can barely get through my day.

Sunny2's avatar

A sudden and loud voice very different from my usual soft spoken self. It’s kind of fun to see the reaction.

Kardamom's avatar

Will post first, without peeking at anyone else’s answer, then I’ll look back.


tinyfaery's avatar

My wits.

And my get the fuck away from me stare.

jonsblond's avatar

My camera.

I’ve been watching thousands of snow geese wintering in our area the past two weeks. It’s a beautiful site. I’m stealing this quote from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Watching huge flocks of Snow Geese swirl down from the sky, amid a cacophony of honking, is a little like standing inside a snow globe. I didn’t have my camera the other day when I had a chance for that perfect shot. This is what inspired my question.

@Kardamom I can’t leave the house without lipbalm. Do you have a favorite brand?

glacial's avatar

@jonsblond Have you thought about doing this? I have a friend who participates, and it’s an oddly fascinating journey.

jonsblond's avatar

@glacial That’s a great idea. Thank you. I should give it a try.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@glacial I tried doing that a couple years ago but I only made it about halfway through the year. I’d forget my camera at home all the time and eventually I just gave up :P

glacial's avatar

@uberbatman Aww, that’s too bad.

Plucky's avatar

My partner’s response: Coupons

cookieman's avatar

@marinelife‘s brain.
Shhh, don’t tell her.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m a little surprised (especially given the regularity with which jellies post “42” as a response to certain questions) that no one has said “a towel.”

Kardamom's avatar

@jonsblond I’m partial to Burt’s Bees.

Paradox25's avatar

Tooth floss and my key light.

longgone's avatar

My lovely Labrador. Though she’s not a very effective weapon.

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