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longgone's avatar

What could you most easily be addicted to?

Asked by longgone (19919points) March 11th, 2013

As in substance…activity…anything, really.

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32 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Crystal Meth. You only need one try to become addicted.
So I would advise against it.

whitenoise's avatar


Pachy's avatar

Doing absolutely nothing.

Shippy's avatar

I hate to say it as it seems to create it more? But I can be addicted to so many things. I was so addicted to soaps. So gave that up. Now I won’t watch anything that comes in serial form. So I gave Sex in the City a miss. I’m an all or nothing person :(

cookieman's avatar

I grew up in a family of addicts (gambling, drugs, alcohol). Some lost everything, even their lives. Many though, eventually kicked the habit – which is great, but here’s the thing: every single one of them seemed to transfer their addiction to something else. Whether it be religion, or food, or sex. More socially acceptable maybe, but just as addicted.

Sooo (to answer the OQ), I’m pretty sure I too have an addictive personality. I’ve just chosen to channel that into work or comic books or ::GASP:: cookies.

Much better than weed or booze or betting the ponies, but still an addiction of sorts.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Chocolate chip cookies

bookish1's avatar

I’m pretty sure that opiates would be my doom if I ever tried them, so I haven’t.

marinelife's avatar

I could get addicted to most anything without much effort. I am very sensitive to all types of drugs.

zenvelo's avatar

Tobacco and Alcohol. And probably meth but since I have seen the effects on others it scares the shit our of me.

I am still addicted to alcohol even though I have not had a drink in almost 27 years. And the same thing would probably be true if I had a cigarette today I would have a pack smoked by the end of the day. Tobacco was a painful detoxification.

cookieman's avatar

@elbanditoroso: Let’s go hang out in front of Mrs. Fields together.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@zenvelo Thanks. And they play those guitars so well.

cazzie's avatar

I tend to attach myself to strong individual personalities that are ultimately destructive in my life and it is hard for me to detatch. It is not love.

Coloma's avatar

I’m a hedonist at heart, part of my personality style and have to keep a tight rein on myself at times.
Alcohol does little for me, I do enjoy a bit of marijuana now and then but have not done that in awhile now. Food would be my number #1, I LOVE food! Not so much junk food but sugar and just delicious foods in general.

I am addicted to coffee, have to have 2–3 cups in the morning or I will never get it together. lol

Mimishu1995's avatar

waking up late in the morning

ucme's avatar

My Lil Pony.

ETpro's avatar

Crystal meth is certainly the most addictive thing known. It chemically stimulates pure ecstasy. One shot, and any human being will feel an almost irresistible urge to do more. But knowing that, I simply avoid that first try.

Of things I have tried, my answer, unfortunately, is NSFW and this question isn’t so marked. Ask again on Friday and make it [NSFW].

KNOWITALL's avatar

Alcohol. Both parents were alcoholics.

mambo's avatar

Sex and alcohol.

snapdragon24's avatar

Sex and food

ucme's avatar

Remember, if you smoke after sex you’re doing it too fast.

Sunny2's avatar

Chocolate. I try to keep my intake under control, but it would be soooo easy to just give in.

girassol's avatar

Cuddles! (:

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I love cuddles. GA

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Kardamom I love cheese with Apple pie.

Kardamom's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I made homemade potato cheese soup yesterday. To make it more healthy (and because I had never made it before and was working without a recipe) I simmered the taters in non-fat milk. I made a “roux” with riced cauliflower and finely chopped mushrooms, along with a little bit of vegan margarine and flour, sauteed with a bit of chopped onion and reduced that down a bit and then threw it into the simmering pot of taters. Added a wee bit of oregeno and lemon zest, plus about a cup of shredded cheddar cheese right at the end, and found out I had created a pretty good new recipe.

ETpro's avatar

@Kardamom That does sound good. We’ve got some taters sitting around. I might just give that a try.

rooeytoo's avatar

Coke (the brown fizzy kind that comes in a bottle!)

longgone's avatar

Thanks, everyone, lots of Great Answers here!

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