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How conscious are we of our own mortality?
I have had discussions here and elsewhere with theists who will say that they are comfortable with their own mortality because they know they are “taken care of”. This life is merely an appetizer for the eternal.
I’ve also had plenty of discussions with fellow nontheists who proclaim a great love of life and express that the fact that we only get once chance at life (from what we can tell) is enough to inject a meaning and passion that carries them through any thoughts of their own mortality.
But I’m wondering how much we all really think about it. I mean, how many times per day/minute/hour are we truly aware of our own impermanence? And related to this – what is a healthy amount. Certainly, we don’t walk into every experience with a parenthetical thought of ”well, since I could die at any moment, I will….”. And to avoid the thought has implications that might lead us to the delusion that we will not die.
There’s also the issue of how we view the impermanence of our loved ones. Do we greet them every morning as though we are consciously aware that this could be our last time doing so?
Anyway, I am wondering how much people generally think about this. Sure we can have fun discussing these concepts here on fluther or with friends, but how much of your experience is colored by your conscious awareness of your own impermanence?
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