General Question

pleiades's avatar

Are there anti-communists in China?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) March 12th, 2013

What are their group names?

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3 Answers

JacobSDN's avatar

Yes, there are many. Many of which have underground movements, some just give up and do all they can to live the country. This is highlighted by the efforts taken by the government to suppress and control regular parts of every day life, like the Internet, as to prevent such “opinions” from spreading.

Ron_C's avatar

I suppose there are but they maintain a low profile. Most of the Chinese I’ve talked to are ambivalent about government. There is a fair amount of freedom, free education which is prized by most Chinese, and a booming economy. They seem more concerned that their children grow up and are taught well and like most people hope that their children do better in life than they did. China may be described as a police state but the police don’t carry weapons. I’ve seen ordinary people scolding the police when they feel that the policeman isn’t doing his job correctly. Try that in the U.S. and you’ find yourself Tazed and in hand cuffs on the ground.

mattbrowne's avatar

Plenty, especially in Hong-Kong.

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