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ucme's avatar

So, what state are you in right now [view details]?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 12th, 2013

You may also comment on your general well-being as this question can be translated either way, or even both.

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40 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Missouri. I’m in a slight headachy state currently. Thanks for asking, and yourself?

ucme's avatar

I’m good thanks, hope your fuzzy head clears m’dear.

diavolobella's avatar

Tennessee. A little sleepy, a little hungry, a little bored. :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Noo Yawk. Actually I’m in Western NY, so I say it properly: “New York”. See?
I’m in a frazzled state.

syz's avatar

North Carolina. And I’m looking out of my office window, watching the rain clouds break up and a hint of blue appear.

Seek's avatar

Florida, and a state of utter exhaustion. Between my regular job and Renn Faire, I haven’t had a day off in a month.

janbb's avatar

Hanging on by my fingernails, New Jersey

Coloma's avatar

Northern California. A b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l day unfolding, going for the 70’s, fruit trees blooming, allergy hell and I am taking my cats giant cat tree out on the deck for an afternoon scrub.
Spring cleaning and spring moving coming up for me.

picante's avatar

Texas. And I’m in a satiated (slightly bloated) state, having just eaten a huge celebratory lunch with coworkers.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

New York; Bored, unproductive, and waiting

thorninmud's avatar

About 57% liquid, 41% solid, and 2% gas (pardon… make that 1% gas)

Oh, and Illinois which is itself in a state of economic meltdown

mrentropy's avatar

Texas. Central Texas. Hill Country. Doing well.
Thanks for asking.

Seek's avatar

I’m going to go move in with @Coloma

I’m only half kidding.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I am alone in Alberta, at least until I again have a car so I can visit my wife.

Bellatrix's avatar

Queensland. I’m in a Queensland state of mind. That means fairly laid back and relaxed but trying to get the motivation to do some exercise and get working.

Brian1946's avatar

So Cal, so fine.

ucme's avatar

Cheers folks, good stuff.
Thanks for stating your, err…position ;0}

Carinaponcho's avatar

New Jersey and exhausted.

ibstubro's avatar

Illinois and mad as hell but going to keep taking it because the crooks don’t give us a choice! ;-)

Plucky's avatar

Alberta, cold and tired…listening to my dog chew one of her bones.

livelaughlove21's avatar

South Carolina

I’m in a stressed state, but fighting to stay positive.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

New York. Emotionally drained, feeling numb.

AstroChuck's avatar

Denial, currently. Earlier I was a Bose–Einstein condensate.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Pennsylvania. Currently very stressed out. Starting my MSN/MHA program 2 months into my promotion at work may not have been the best idea.

tinyfaery's avatar


filmfann's avatar

Nor Cal. Beautiful mid March day.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m doing fantastic. We are having a TMNT Marathon. GO RAPH!

Coloma's avatar

8:04 in NorCal and well….never did get the cat tree scrubed, friends and neighbors came to hang out and have a few beers and discuss the mountain lions mating at 12:45 this afternoon. Screaming and caterwauling and rousing us all out to go explore.
My L.A.transplant neighbor was on the verge of a heart attack. Haha
Yeah, well…your first spring in cougar country, get used to it. lol

Brian1946's avatar


For what does TMNT stand?

Edit: got it.

augustlan's avatar

West Virginia, feeling like crap. Woke up with a migraine and an upset tummy.

Prosb's avatar

New York. My mouth is on fire from these “Blair’s Death Rain – Habanero Pepper” chips.
I’m loving every second of it.

jonsblond's avatar

Western Illinois. Delighted and calm.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Ontario, Just got done celerbratin ma birfday :) now sleepy.

Jeruba's avatar

California. On vacation, and alternating between relaxed and anxious, but ok on balance.

Unbroken's avatar

@nofurbelowsbatgirl Happy Birthday fellow pisces! Hope it was grand and maybe you got some four two’s (was that right)

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

@rosehips hehe you mean two fours? ;) as in 24 beers in a box? :( no. But I did get a bottle of wine. When is your birthday?

Unbroken's avatar

A box of wine sounds good to me.

Mine came and went already.

SavoirFaire's avatar

This thread reminds of ”The Philadelphia,” a one-act play by David Ives.

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