General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Where could one purchase a Betta Splenden in the U.S. or Canada?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) March 12th, 2013

I am looking for a site online that ships to either of these countries (preferably Canada).

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5 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

There seem to be quite a few online places. The first one I clicked on seemed to ship to Canada. The shipping seems to cost more than the fish, since it is overnight express.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Could you give me a link to that site?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Nevermind, I have it.


Mama_Cakes's avatar

Found my fish (not this particular fish as he is sold, but the type and color).

hearkat's avatar

When my son was keeping Bettas, they were in plentiful supply at the local pet stores. They need their water to be very clean, but otherwise are nice pets.

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