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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What message would you like to send to the new Pope Francis I?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37802points) March 13th, 2013

I’d like to tell him his dresses are really too dowdy.

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19 Answers

bkcunningham's avatar

May God bless you and keep you within His will.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I like him already. They describe him as humble, gentle and calm. I like the fact that he’s from South America. First South American Pope.

ucme's avatar

I agree on the dress, nice bit of bling though…“Oh Frankie, do you remember me?”

janbb's avatar

Please open your eyes to what is going on in the world and bring justice and mercy to the Vatican.

Seek's avatar

Women are people
Gay people are people
Not every sperm is sacred
Condoms don’t cause AIDS
The Vatican is a really expensive party pad for people who claim to consider poverty a virtue.

ucme's avatar

99.8% of Falkland Islanders wish to remain British, pass that on to the Argentinian govt, there’s a sweetie.

ragingloli's avatar

Turn over all of the child molester priests, as well as their enablers, protectors, and those who obstructed law enforcement efforts, including the former nazi pope, over to the police.
And if you have the gall to continue the obfuscation, turn yourself in, as well.

ibstubro's avatar

All the best to you!
Good luck and remember your roots.

smile once in a while

Luiveton's avatar

I would certainly like for him to act out the scene from Pink Panther II when Clouseau was ‘looking at ze moon’

josie's avatar

Tough job. I’m sure you are up to it. Good luck!

TheKBird's avatar

I would like to know if he will let me call him Pope Frank.

Kropotkin's avatar

Disband your criminal institution.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Although we shall see controversy concerning his time as Provincial during Evita Peron’s Dirty War, I am still very happy that a Jesuit is finally in place. This reign should prove very interesting to Catholics and interested non-Catholics alike.

Now, let’s see some serious Liberation Theology, Frank.

Yeahright's avatar

Congrats!! I am really happy he is from Latina America…it was about time and most importantly what @janbb said.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Patton Love it! Thanks for sharing.

Arewethereyet's avatar

Make sure you keep all those grubby hands of the children!

bob_'s avatar

Dude, can you introduce me to Monica Bellucci?

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