What has someone done to touch you emotionally lately, have you made an effort to touch someone?
Asked by
Unbroken (
March 13th, 2013
Joy, abundance, gentleness. These are intangible gifts I have received lately with the kindness others have shown me.
Just today some of my co workers went out of their way to have a small surprise party for me. This floored me because they aren’t aware of my health issues, because the one’s who did it weren’t close to me. Because they made me allergy friendly food. I felt like crying it was so sweet.
This is just the latest and greatest. Just when I get so involved in my own world and think I have humanity figured out. People show me that while humanity is predictable human’s aren’t. The capacity to care to be intuitive to buck against our nature and show gentleness and kindness.
That is one of the sweetest gifts. So please Jellies share your experience’s that left you shaken and joy filled. Also I want to think of a way to repay these people. To show them what they did mattered to me profoundly. Even if I fail at expressing it. So ideas that you have implemented or ways that you have found to give back successfully would be appreciated.
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24 Answers
There’s one person here who really brought me up when I was feeling awful. I had been going through a period of thinking I was unattractive and an overall awful person, but they told me otherwise and it made me feel a lot better. I’m very thankful to call this person a friend.
@rosehips, you should write them each a note. Your words are touching and beautiful.
This may not be what you are looking for, but my boss, the president of the company, just made some accommodations to me workwise. Flextime, salary, hours, that make it possible, I hope, to continue working in my present job. I wasn’t sure what would happen so I am really grateful. Few things affect you more profoundly than your job.
A good friend has told me that they are there for me every step of the way while I navigate a major life change and move in these next few weeks.
I am having to give up my home of 7 years due to this economic carnage.
I will be moving back within city limits from my 5 acre piece of paradise here.
I am very emotionally touched in the moment, right now.
I just came in from taking videos of my home and property and my beloved goose “Marwyn” I have had/raised for 15 years. I have scheduled his and his companions home euthanasia for Friday the 22nd, at 11;30 a.m. as I have had no luck finding him another goose loving home and will not surrender him to the fates of the universe after being my little goose-dog for the last 15 years since he was a tiny gosling.
Just NOW, not 10 minutes ago I held my darling Marwyn in my arms while he fell asleep and made his sweet little goosey snoring and whimpering sounds.
I have his voice on video forever and my gardener buddy is coming to pre-dig the graves this week.
It is an emotional time but I am giving all of my love and attention these little creatures that have brought so much joy into my life. Bittersweet, but with love comes loss.
It has been a spectacular day, deer napping on my lawn, spring springing forth, the pond is full of peeping frogs and the wild turkeys are strutting their stuff on this amazing 77 degree day in the Northern California hills.
I am blessed to have in-joyed this incredible lifestyle for many years and I am fully present with these final days of nirvana on my beautiful little green acres.
@Coloma I feel deeply for you. I don’t even begin to know what to say…I just want you to know that I wish you strength and hope and I am sorry for your loss.
@Earthgirl Thank You, yes, it is a sad time, but I am at peace with what has to be done. Well…getting there anyway. :-/
I have a very dear friend who discovered just before Christmas that she has stage III breast cancer that has metastasis into a one lymph node. She is halfway through her chemo and has three ore treatments to go. One of her daughters made her a jar with the word, “Inspiration” across the front and puts inspirational words and thoughts inside the jar. Her mom, my friend, can go to the jar and pull out slips of papers with words that her children and friends have written about her, for her to lift her.
I was telling a few of my friends, who have only met her once, about her cancer and her jar. They’ve asked me for an email to send their own loving thoughts and words to her daughter so she can print the words and add them to her Inspiration Jar.
Their kindness not only touches and uplifts her; it touches me as well.
@Coloma, I wish I was there to give you a BIG hug. Like @Earthgirl, I don’t know what to say to you. You are very strong. You have been blessed. The blessings haven’t stopped. Everything happens for a reason. You may not realize the reason just now. Stay strong. Loving thoughts coming to you.
@mambo : ) It is so important to have people you know you can count on around you!
@bkcunningham Thank you and good idea. I will give it a shot.
@Earthgirl I wasn’t looking for anything in particular. Jobs are important, especially when you enjoy yours so much. It can be fulfilling and rewarding I am happy for your good news!
@Coloma Wow. That is bittersweet. And like bk and earthie I have nothing to say except I am glad you have people there for you. You sound grounded and practical but in touch with your emotions. Not many people can access all that, even when it is more of a mask and a goal rather then actuality. You are an amazing woman.
@bkcunningham I love quotes. I have never actually put them in a jar. I should do that. Words have power. And when used to heal and uplift well, it is a gift that can keep on giving. Best wishes for your friend and you. Thanks for sticking by her.
You guys touched me a bit ago That’s all I wanted back then.
I work in concierge at the most magical place on earth and every day I have the opportunity to create magical moments for my guests. Well, a few weeks back I had this really nice family who needed help making some dining reservations. They just so happened to be from the same area where I went to college and we had a nice conversation. I helped them plan their day and was able to book them a dining reservation for the next day at one of the hardest places to find seats around here. A few days later the mom came to talk to me and she showed me pictures of her family having dinner at the restaurant with one of our most important characters and she really wanted me to see that her teen-aged son had had a great time. She confessed that she’d been worried about him because, though he’s a sweet kid, he’s going through a phase in which he just keeps to himself and is rather serious and rigid, so it was special for her to see him actually allow himself to let loose and have a good time. She had tears in her eyes and told me I had no idea how much my helping them with those reservations really meant to her because she hadn’t seen her son smile in a really long time. I was deeply touched. Even more so when she handed me a card, which she’d gotten from one of my managers, to recognize the work I’d done. She definitely made my day!
@Coloma I am so sorry!! I’m sending positive thoughts your way!
@Coloma Don’t schedule the putting down yet. Let me look into something for you.
@Coloma – I am so incredibly sorry to hear what is happening. You’ve written many times about the joy your surroundings have brought you and to lose that is difficult. And to lose your wonderful animal friends, to me, is even harder. I will hold you in my heart.
Most recently, I have been touched by the kindness of two people. One is my husband. Our dear cat, Cloudy, has been ill for a couple of months and was getting progressively worse. (She had stomach/intestinal cancer.) Over the weekend we knew that she was very close to the end. She slept with us on Sunday night – which she hadn’t done in a while. He took a fleece blanket and folded a heating pad in it so that she would have a warm place to lay. (We kept an eye on it through the night to make sure it didn’t get too hot.) Seeing his love for her really touched me. He has always had a soft spot for animals, but seeing this tangible evidence was wonderful. The next morning I continued the process when we went upstairs with her. I alternated between holding her and letting her rest on her blanket. I was online chatting with a friend who has been through being with a pet as they pass. (She is person two, by the way.) She sort of “talked me through it” with kind words and reminding me that Cloudy was in her mama’s arms which was the comfort that my kitty needed.
Since that happened on Monday morning, both my husband and this friend have been very good about checking on how I’m feeling and what I might need. I am grateful for them, and hope that if it’s ever needed, I can return the kindness.
@Coloma Can you get me a list of what animals you need to take care of?
Recently I have been in touch with a family member that I have never met or spoken to before. I found out that she lives about 20 minutes drive from me so I have arranged to visit her. I was touched by how excited she was to be in touch with me and for me to be visiting her. I decided to pay it forward by taken my Grandmother to visit her with me as she has not seen her in many years and I know it means so much to her to be meeting up again. Going to get my Grandmother to bring her back to the family members house will be well out of my way (my Grandmother lives about 2 hours drive from me) but it will be wrth.
Just the geese,the cats are going with me.
I have contacted many farm animal and wildlife rescue groups and my avian vet has been looking too.
There is a farm rescue sanctuary not far from me but they have not returned my calls in the last 2 weeks.
Marywns companion is blind in one eye and she has been on medication for several years for a bad leg.
It is not getting better so euthanasia is the right choice for her.
As far as Marwyn, I was hoping to find him a great place where I could still visit, but…he is so special and imprinted on me that without a very special home and a new girl or two it would be cruel to pass him on.
He cannot be kept alone unless it was with me because of his imprinting.
Of course I am open to last minute options, have some ads running in the local papers, Craigslist pets and farm & garden, but I am at peace with my choice as well, he is too special to just give to anybody and I do not want him to suffer from extreme stress.
I believe that euthanasia is the kindest thing if a perfect situation cannot be found.
Thank you for your caring.
@Coloma I’ll let you know what these guys say tomorrow and we’ll go from there.
@Coloma: My heart is cracking. Marwyn feels like a member of my family also. I had not known that you had raised him from a fluff ball.
I still remember how proud I felt when he won “The Best Pet” photo several years ago, in his striped Xmas stocking and expression of forbearance.
I know you are very busy but have you contacted your local newspaper and TV stations to do an article or public service spot? Often that is how to get people’s attention.
@gailcalled I know, thank you. Yes, is is a VERY special goose, no doubt, this is why as his mother goose I will not compromise his feathery fate. Better to go to goosey heaven than be abandoned to an unknown fate.
I wish I could keep Marwyn for you! Gods, how I wish I could.
Lord, the hits just keep on coming.
Today I went to my long time mechanic for an oil change. We are great friends and I adore his personality.
His daughters 25 year old boyfriend of 2.5 years passed away in his sleep a few nights ago!!!
The coroner said that 3 or 4 times a years young, healthy, tall, thin white guys just die this way, sort of like a S.I.D’s thing. Something with breathing and the diaphram.
My daughter and her bf are 25! 0-O
Anyway…another highly emotional day here.
I also saw 3 roadkill dogs and a cat on my way home…jesus…sometimes life is just so f—king sad!
On a high note, I have a few possibilities for Marwyn, one week left from tomorrow to find him a goosey retirement home or the appointment of doom still stands. :-(
@Adirondackwannabe Yes I agree. The jellies here are amazing. It is really nice that you are taking initiative in helping coloma find a home for Mr Marvelous Marwyn.
@tedibear I am so sorry to hear about Cloudy. Of course they are like real people to us. They are the loyalest creatures out there, our pets. I am glad you had support and were able to find some measure of solace.
@jordym That does sound rewarding and sweet. Most of the time you never get to know the impact your actions have on someone. I am glad you got the opportunity to get the follow up on this one. What a sweet story.
@Leanne1986 I hope everything works out well for you and your visit. I recently have gotten back in touch with a cousin and it is well worth. Nice thinking about the Grandma. Best house gift ever! : )
@Coloma I know you will ultimately make the best decision for your pet, but like @gailcalled and @Seek_Kolinahr I feel like there is a bit of personal investment. All your avatar’s and all the fun stories you regale us with. Marwyn has become an established part of group characters here! And on the note of roadkill. I was able to save a chickadee just yesterday. It had sought shelter in heavy winds and couldn’t escape the shed it found itself in. I waited until the winds calmed down a bit and set it free. I hope it made it, the darling!
@Coloma my heart aches for you. Allowing someone to put Marwyn to sleep is the supreme sacrifice on your part and I applaud your courage to do what you think is best for him regardless of your sadness. Let’s hope it doesn’t have to happen. Hugs.
@Coloma Sorry to hear about that. Perhaps he had sleep apnea. I believe it’s more common in men. I could be wrong. Sending you {{{}}}}‘s!
Very happy to hear about the good news for Marwyn. Keeping my fingers crossed!
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