What if caged food tasted better?
Asked by
filmfann (
March 16th, 2013
Ask any Vegetarian, and they will say that organic, free range, and uncaged animals give better tasting eggs, meat, milk, etc.
But what if it didn’t?
What if eggs, meat, milk, cheese, etc. coming from animals who were caged and routinely tortured tasted a lot better.
Would you support eating food coming from tortured animals just because it tasted better?
What if it cost more? What if the cost of torturing the animals caused you to pay and extra $1 a gallon for milk that is dramatically better? Would you pay that?
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23 Answers
Luckily we don’t have to make that decision.
I would not.
Organic food tasting better is an added benefit, not the main motivation for vegetarianism/veganism.
Naw dude, that shit is still unclean.
What a strange question O_o
Are you aware of the Stanford study that shows there is little evidence of health benefits from organic foods. It is really a scam. Also, this.
Vegetarians have an opinion about better-tasting meat?
Tee hee. I missed that, @jaytkay. Stop being logical.
The reason uncaged animals taste betteris because they aren’t stressed. Because they eat better food thus tasting better themselves and aren’t comprised of fat.
So this question even hypothetically doesn’t make sense.
Is the premise behind the question to say that people who pay extra for quality food are paying for moral superiority? For elitism? That this isn’t about taste or nutrient value at all?
Or that the argument that the food tastes better is spurious because those who do eat it would eat it regardless of taste and price?
It is a bonus. But a bonus that makes sense. When you have a quality product the results are noticably different.
Your question makes as much sense to me as: What if 1 + 1 didn’t equal 2 but instead equaled 4, would use the old system, to obtain the answer 2 or would you adopt the system where 4 + 4 = 2. How are you supposed to answer that?
I pay more because it I get more quality for my money. It is worth it to put the extra money into fueling and not polluting my body.
Plus there is a reason the food costs more. It costs more money to raise.
They have to compete with companies who cheat and cut corner’s to produce the equivalent of food.
It is nice to know that the animals are treated better. Have cruelty free lives.
Then we’d all be eating Tweety-Pie.
OMG, kill me now. I agree with @ragingloli too. A Fluther first.
Wait… never mind. Question skipped to this thread from another? Weird.
@jaytkay Yep good point. Lol.
@bkcunningham The benefit from organics is less pesticides. (Depending on the type of fruit, of variable importance.)
Also diversity. I don’t want the bud light or big mac of fruit. I want tasty flavorful food that has not been gentically modified which has been critically understudied.
Also diversity is good. Why don’t we not like inbreeding again? Because of mutations, vulnerability, and lack of adaption. Last one not so pertinent when labs are doing the adapting, until you realize the problems that superweeds have created.
Did you read the two links I provided above, @rosehips?
I did. Or skimmed them I am on my phone so I can’t battle you out link for link. Rain check : )
@ucme You mean Tweety Bird?
@wildpotato, you keep linking back to this Fluther page.
Dangit! I was trying out a new browser, sorry. Here:
No. I wouldn’t even contemplate it.
No, I would not eat something because it tasted better if I knew that animals were suffering for it. I am not a foody, I don’t go out of my way to find and pay for amazing tasting food and so this wouldn’t be an issue for me. Given the choice I eat free range because I do care about animal welfare, it has nothing to do with the taste.
@livelaughlove21 No, I mean Tweety-Pie, that’s what the little yellow bugger’s called, over here at least…I guess you could be munching on a Tweety-Pie pie.
When there is an abundance of food and you have a choice. The healthy cheap safe is an easy pick. There will be a time when food shortage will be the norm as it is in many parts of the world now. Perhaps not here as we consume more then our share and will continue to do so (we know no better it’s our right) I use’ to complain having no shoes till I met a man who had no feet
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