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Conflicts, wars, skirmishes and "incidents" - where is the intel?
I need a list of websites detailing current/latest conflicts worldwide. That and info on the arms trade in relation to those conflicts. So far I am using the websites of the biggest regional news agencies, and scan them for military info, also a few scientific publications, even a few blogs. So far I have found the below to be most useful for this purpose: – Ria Novosti, Russian News Agency – Polish Press Agency – everybody has heard of Reuters – Chinese News Agency – Al Jazeera, naturally – the Council on Foreign Relations (US) – the NATO website
and to a lesser extent, the UN website –
Even Vice News has some interesting material (like the piece on arms trade conventions in the Middle East they did a while ago).
Also the American Foreign Affairs journal, the British (though for some reason highly US-centric) The Economist (should be “The worldwide conflict and political news with a pinch of economics to justify the name” imho), and the Polish New Eastern Europe quarterly, can all be quite useful for digging out related information.
That is the problem though. I have to dig through a myriad of websites and publications to get to the latest info, AND get a more or less unbiased view of what is going on. I was wondering if perhaps there is a website that covers armed conflicts exclusively and provides solid, objective information on all/most of the current conflicts, big and small (and micro). Maybe I’m missing something here.
Wish there was something like a “Linked-In for mercenaries” ;-)
Appreciate suggestions to supplement the above list.
the fremen (otherwise known, from this moment onwards, as Bazooka Bob)
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