General Question

Blackberry's avatar

It is time for me to buy a very large TV, do you have any tips before I go out?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) March 17th, 2013

I am aware that LED is supposed to be better than plasma (you can correct me if I’m wrong about that).

But is there a specific brand I should buy and place I should possibly buy it from? Please share any other advice you think pertinent. Thank you.

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12 Answers

St.George's avatar

Our eyes have all become accustomed to small screens (phones and tablets) and so a smaller screen can do for just about everyone, for any situation.

A super-large TV seems extravagant. Do you really need it to be huge?

Costco, might be a good place to start, and/or finish your purchase.

wildpotato's avatar

You should get your terms straight first. When you say LED, know that what you actually mean is an LCD tv that is backlit by an LED light. Not all LCDs have LEDs, but those that do tend to look brighter. Here’s a good article on the differences between the three options. Brand isn’t as important as specs and warranty, but I’ve always been partial to Samsung.

filmfann's avatar

Figure out where you want the TV, and where you will sit. Given the distance apart, figure 16 degrees. The television shouldn’t be bigger than that.
I bought an LED, and I am sorry I didn’t get a 240 instead of a 120. Given another chance, I would have saved $2000 and bought a plasma.

ragingloli's avatar

Why a TV? Why not just get a bigger PC monitor and then pirate all the tv shows and movies you want to watch?

Blackberry's avatar

@ragingloli Well, I’m also a console gamer. I use a laptop for the other stuff and connect it to the tv.

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Blackberry's avatar

Lol. Well, you see…console gaming provides a more comfortable experience. Plus, if I wanted to game on a PC, I would have to buy an actual desktop with a huge monitor which would end up costing more than a TV.

Blackberry's avatar

I mean, I guess I could also connect a PC to the TV as well, but the accounts I have are already on the PS3.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Whatever type you get, you definitely want 1080p and 240 hz refresh.

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mattbrowne's avatar

Linkage capabilities. Mine got 3 HDMI for example which I find very useful plus VGA, Scart etc.

pauladam's avatar

If you want to change your TV and looking for an innovative source of entertainment to get full enjoyment and if you do not believe in money so I would always recommend you to buy a private home theater system for your home. Home theater system has various ranges in market according to size and technology. But don’t worry; you may purchase a good theater system from market as on big LED range. Try it.

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