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I don't mean to keep ragging on Facebook, but will you hear me out?
This is something I’ve been seeing for quite a while now, and anyone with a FB account probably has seen it, too.
I’m talking about when people claim that something will happen if they get a certain amount of ’‘likes’’ on their photo or post. For example, ’‘if I get 10,000 likes, my dad will buy me a new TV. Help out!’’. Or, ’‘if I get 10,000 likes, I’ll change my name to Jack Daniels.’’
I mean what the hell?
Uno; Are likes so important that one may be willing to do something drastic and possibly life altering if the desired amount is met?
Deux; Are parents actually willing to buy their kids something if their kid’s post gets the desired amount of likes?
Three; When and if said demands are met, does the claim ever actually ever go through?
Vier; What the hell for?
Are those types of posts I see really serious, or are they jokes? I can’t believe for a second that something like this may be serious. People make decisions based on this? Parents decide whether or not to buy their kid a car if they get enough likes?
Or what about people who make such posts, and say they’ll do something constructive and legit, like do charity work or recycle, but ONLY if they get a bunch of likes? You mean they’re not going to do it, even though they could right now, unless the likes number is met?
It’s like, hey all you squishies, if I get 50 GQ on this question, I’ll change my username to Babamooshka.
Giving a bunch of likes to a survivor of cancer? War veterans? That’s cool, and a legitimate way to offer recognition and admiration on a site with the spirit that Facebook has. Facebook, I admit, is a great social tool, and great for support, knowledge and sharing. But a sword is not a hammer. I don’t think it’s very wise to buy laptops or pierce your anus because you said you would on FB if that claim gets a certain amount of likes. or perhaps it’s just me who dun get da big pictchur
Help me understand the truths about these ’‘if I…I will…’’ Facebook things?
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