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janbb's avatar

Are jelly beans addictive?

Asked by janbb (63367points) March 19th, 2013

They’re pure sugar, they’re nearly tasteless, you can’t tell one flavor from another and yet…....

What is it about them?

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37 Answers

ucme's avatar

I prefer jelly babies, biting their heads off & sucking the pluck outta the remains.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I love them, they are probably my favorite candy treat, and I try to restrict myself to Easter only because they are simply addictive. Now, the real question, do you like the black ones? Because I think they taste like Jaegermeister…lol, mmmmmm.

zenzen's avatar

Yes. Yeeeesssssss.

They are, for a fact. But then, anything can be.

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL Come to my house…sooon…and you can have all the black ones!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb I’m IN! They only put a couple in each big bag, it’s odd, and slightly racist I think…lol

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL Maybe we need affirmative action for black jelly beans?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb Absolutely, fair and equal representation of ALL colors, shapes and sizes. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Never been a huge fan of jelly beans, but I too prefer the black ones. I didn’t know why until KNOWITALL’s answer. That’s true.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe The weird thing is my husband loves Jaeger but hates the black jelly beans, so how does that work?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I love them all, except for the orange and yellow ones. :)

janbb's avatar

@Mama_Cakes My favorites are the orange and yellow ones.

We definitely need to have a Jellies Jelly Bean Swap Party!

tom_g's avatar

The only jelly beans worth eating are cinnamon. Fortunately, my kids are not a fan so they save them for me.

janbb's avatar

@tom_g Cinnamon? Feh!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb I agree, not a cinnamon fan, guess you corner the market there @tom_g- lol.

The upcoming Easter special flavors will be fabulous!! Did you ever try the Harry Potter flavors, like boogers and dirt? hahaha, I love them so much I risked it.

gailcalled's avatar

No more so than the equally untoothsome gum drops. I assume that there is nothing else in the house to nosh on?

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled No there is – it’s just a seasonal malady. One bag a year and I’m cured.

marinelife's avatar

I don’t like them, which makes me happy when Easter comes around.

gailcalled's avatar

@janbb: What a terrible waste of calories when you could have been eating French vanilla ice cream and home-made hot fudge sauce instead.

RandomGirl's avatar

I work in a drug store, and every few days, someone will come in and ask for black jelly beans. Hardly ever the same person twice, and always black jelly beans. I keep telling my boss we should get some, but he really doesn’t care about making a profit. I think black jelly beans must be addictive.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@RandomGirl Because they’re DELICIOUS and probably filled with Jaegermeister…lol

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled Koms der zimmer!

linguaphile's avatar

Anyone else ever tried Bernie Bott’s Every Flavor Jelly Beans? My question is… WHO sat there and taste-tested all of those? For pay??

I like Jelly Bellys. I think it’s the crispy texture, then the squishy inside that makes it addictive. I bite off the coating first, then eat the innards. Yum! And love the black ones as well!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@lingquaphile Yeah, another one, love it!! I tried all those and didn’t like them, but ate them anyway for the novelty. Jelly Belly’s are TOO good, I have to stay away from them. The regular fat plain flavors of the original Brach’s are good enough while not being too good, does that make sense?! :)

Sunny2's avatar

I will save all my jelly beans for all of you aficionados and trade you the hollow dark chocolate rabbits.

mambo's avatar

Jellybeans are like crack to me. I love them so much. I would definitely say they are addictive.

Pachy's avatar

Only if you start eating them.

Blondesjon's avatar

Only the methamphetamine flavored ones.

augustlan's avatar

Jelly Bellys are the best! I think it’s both the excellent flavors and their small size that does it for me. You all can have all the black ones, and the cinnamon ones, too. I just want the fruity ones!

woodcutter's avatar

The couple times a year that I find any they seem hard to put down. I found a J B dispenser in a store that must have has 20 flavors you could pour into provided bags like a coffee machine. They all had definite flavors and they were close to what they were labelled and they were smallish not like the big bean kind. Gourmet candy beans and they were good. I should go and get some but it’s too hard to make up my mind what I want.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Sunny2 Sounds like a good deal to me, I’m not real big on chocolates.

mattbrowne's avatar

No, they are not. There’s the risk of creating a bad habit but without losing control of your life. Real addictions are far more serious.

woodcutter's avatar

@Blondesjon what does meth really taste like?

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