Kenahora: How many of you made it through the 2012/2013 winter without getting sick?
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JLeslie (
March 19th, 2013
No offense to those of you way south of the equator, I hate to exclude anyone, but this year in America so many illnesses were flying around, not sure about other countries that are also almost done with their winter. Flu, bacterial sinus infection, colds, even a stomach flu made it’s way around recently. I knew so many people who were sick.
So far, knock wood, I haven’t had anything. I consider tax day the end of winter (April 15) let’s see if I make it without incident.
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35 Answers
You are so lucky. I have been in and out of the doctor’s office all winter. I have had the flu, bronchitis, sinus infections, colds, and quite a few bouts of tonsillitis. I think there has only been about a week where I haven’t been ill.
Knock on wood.
Winter ends on March 20, 2013 (that’s today) officially at 11:02 UTC in the northern hemisphere.. Any other definition is arbitrary.
For those who don’t speak Yiddish, Kenahora means “Don’t jinx it” or “without the evil eye.”
I have not been ill in two years.
I thought I was going to skate through as usual, but 3 weeks ago I got something that left my sinuses running like Niagara Falls and a terrible cough and sore throat. It seems to have run its course in a couple of weeks, but was no fun while it lasted.
I had one cold this winter. No big deal.
This has been an exceptionally bad year according to all the people I work with. Our hospital ER and Walk-in has been operating on 200+% census (we’re turning over every bed at least twice daily) and we had to shut down visiting on the pediatric/NICU and high-risk immune-compromised floors for over 3 weeks. We can hardly keep Tamiflu, doxycycline and azithromycin in stock, we dispense so much of it and manufacturers are running short.
I had a flu shot last fall, and I take zinc and vitamin C along with a lot of other vitamins. Plus I rarely get sick. My kids and I got through fine.
But in our town an elementary school and the middle school got norovirus, causing about 150 kids to be out sick. Thank goodness it did not spread to the high school.
My health has been just fine, thank you. I’ve done my vitamin C routine every time I’ve been exposed to a cold and didn’t get one. I don’t remember ever having flu, but I did get a shot this year. I wish all of you who did get sick, a better 2013 flu season.
I’ll bet there’s only 5 people on Fluther who knows what “kenahora” is without looking it up. Oy gevalt.
I made it through, I rarely ever get sick. I haven’t had the flu for 10 years now. The last time I had it I was stuck in bed for a week and it was horrid but I guess it really boosted my immune system after defeating that bugger.
I suffered from my usual allergies though..if you’d consider that an illness. I don’t really think of it that way but I guess it technically is.
If you include the people that have read this quip, there could be up to 13 Fluther-onions that know what Kenahora means. ;-)
About 2 months ago, I had the chills (with no fever) for about 24 hours.
Kenahora: now I’m in the process of extinguishing the remnants of an aborted cold.
…people who have read…. who know….
I got sick for one day, mostly a sore throat and some coughs, and slight physical weakness. Still went to work though, and the next day it was gone.
When I was a kid, I got every single goddamn bad flu virus that were running around, and I remember many instances where I was sick as a dog. Some of it was kinda cool, not only because I got to stay home from school, but because all these hallucinations came with the bad fevers. Once I was in bed, looked at my hands and they looked like rodent feet, I screamed like mad while waving my hands and, my dad came in the room and he’s like, the fuck? Then I’m all, LOOK AT MAH FUCKIN HANDS!! The he goes, nothing wrong with them…I was all…oh yeah. Damn man. Good times. Lol. Seems I’ve been immunized against a lot of flue viruses, but I guess you never know….but nope, no illness this year. Haven’t had any for a while, last time I got real sick was in 2005. Of course, drinking problems might kill a lot of the viruses…? XD
Pachy made it through with nary a snifffle.
Can you imagine the size of the flu shot needle!
Me! Must be good living.
Or spending time in limited isolation.
I almost did – about two weeks ago, I came down with the flu for about two days. The rest of the family, though, was down and out for a week and a half. I was going insane, because it’s impossible to get any school at all done while the TV is on 24 hours a day.
@gailcalled Thanks for letting the group know what kenahora means. I meant to define it in the original Q. April 15 was always my mom’s end date for no more possibility of snow. Of course that varies around the country, and as you pointed out is arbitruary and not an official definition of winter.
One cold, one sinus infection, but no flu. This was the first year I got a flu shot.
^^^Good luck on getting any agreement on the transliteration of the Hebrew alphabet used for the Yiddish words.
I found these…יַנהאָרעה פידז...ייַן רובֿ אַין האַראַ...קעין ייַין האַראַ
(Don’t quote me. I have no idea which is even close to being correct.)
I made it through autumn and winter without so much as a sniffle. I’m hoping, kenahora, that springtime will bring more of the same.
Have you ever heard “canaries” instead of “kenahora”? I think it’s really cute.
“Congratulations on your new job.”
“Don’t give me any canaries. The company hasn’t finalized my job offer yet!”
Me!! Not even a sinus infection this year, love it. I did tell my doctor at my annual a few weeks ago he could give me one if he wanted but he laughed and said, “I don’t think so.”, we both are anti-big pharma.
I made it all Winter without getting sick, but now- on the first day of Spring, I can feel myself getting sick. :/
@Rarebear I think it is at least 20. I think we have 5 just on this Q. And, the expression was taught to me by a Catholic, but she was from the Bronx. Jewish by association.
@NostalgicChills Sorry. Spring colds and stuff are the worst. Hope you get over it fast.
One very minor cold in January, that’s all.
No cold, no influenza.
The media haven’t barely noticed that in Europe about one third of all influenza cases are swine flu cases. I remember the media bashing politicians for investing in millions in anti-influenza medication and vaccines because of the alleged overstating of the case. H1N1 is out there and mutating. Medication and vaccines make a lot of sense.
I rarely get sick, but when I do, it’s doozy. I spent Nov in the hospital, and Dec recovering. But….that wasn’t a sick kind of sickness. Not like a bug I picked up or anything.
Yesterday I finished packing up for my final move to FL and a girlfriend came by to see me and say good bye. When she arrived she told me don’t get to close she is coming down with a cold. Ugh, at fist I didn’t even let her in my house. Eventually I did because she was standing out in the cold not doing a quick good bye, she had driven from about 15 minutes away. Then I let her in because the situation was so awkward and she was tearing up at one point about missing me. My husband especially really cannot afford to get sick. I already dread getting sick ever. Even a cold. She put me in a bad spot and if I was not leaving and she was not crying I would not have even let her in. But, in reality, we are driving for three days and under a lot of stress from the move and my husband has a lit of stress beginning in a new job and getting sick would be really really uncomfortable right now. But, being under stress makes us more vulnerable to getting sick. We packed for three days during cold temperatues, uncomfortable, not enough sleep, I feel like we are vulnerable.
I feel terrible, because I wanted to hug her and say good bye and not make her stand 5 feet from me and not touch anything.
After I was so paranoid towards her I hope at least we didn’t catch it, bceause if I am going to get it anyway it would suck that I acted that way for nothing. Although, anyone who knows me knows I don’t like to be anywhere near sick people.
I spoke too soon – I have another cold now
@gailcalled Feeling like spring up there today, March 26, 2013?
My previous comment: “I made it through autumn and winter without so much as a sniffle. I’m hoping, kenahora, that springtime will bring more of the same.”
Way to jinx yourself, Lori. Talk about bringing a canary! Right after spring officially arrived, I got sidelined with perhaps the most miserable flu of my life. I was stuck in bed for 4 days. Thank goodness it’s over now.
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