General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Do you know of any stores that carry pre-paid Visa cards?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) March 20th, 2013

Big chain stores, I mean. If so, which ones?

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8 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Rite Aid drug stores carry all kinds of cards, including Visa. I’ve seen them in Kinney Drugs and Lowes too. Any of those near you?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Lowes. Thanks!

CWOTUS's avatar

I can’t imagine a prepaid card with anything other than a financial institution that already has processes in place – and law to follow – regarding the handling of deposits, which the prepaid card essentially becomes. (I know that gift cards and phone cards also exist, to name two other kinds of “prepaid” card available, but those generally don’t involve large amounts of money, either.)

What’s wrong with a prepaid Visa / MasterCard offered by a bank?

Judi's avatar

There is a difference between a pre paid card (rip off) and a visa gift card.

Blueroses's avatar

Walmart has a couple of different ones but read the terms carefully before you purchase one. I saw one that requires a minimum balance and has all sorts of fees you agree to by purchasing. As @Judi said, ripoff.

gambitking's avatar

Most grocery stores and walmarts carry gift cards ($5 fee to buy a $50 card).

Ace Cash Express has the prepaid debit cards, usually lots of fees and still carry a pruchase price above the prepaid amount.

jca's avatar

Walmart has the major ones.

I remember looking at them around the holidays and I believe they may have had a $5 activation fee, which, to me would be a real deterrent to buying them. If you buy a $25 card and have to pay $5 to activate it, it’s a rip.

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