Social Question

Is Obama's trip to Israel poorly timed?
CNN was commenting on how Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush had timed their trips to Israel in order to push forward the peace process. They said that the Israeli Press is questioning Obama’s timing. Here’s an example. CNN pointed out that Jimmy Carter’s visit helped bring about the first peace accord with Anwar Sadat of Egypt. Reagan visited in… Oh wait, he never visited Israel. Nor did Gerald Ford or George H. W. Bush. Nixon made it to Israel, but more to duck out on the Watergate scandal coverage than to do anything substantive for peace. But you get the point, right?
The 1993 Oslo Accords fell apart, Camp David stalled in 2000, and the Road Map for Peace has never gotten off the ground. Now the Arab Spring casts Egypt’s continued compliance with the 1989 Camp David Accords in doubt. But still poor timing, right? What is Obama thinking, visiting Israel without a peace accord in hand? Shouldn’t we just ignore threats like the Iranian nuclear program and the Islamic Brotherhood now ruling Egypt. Shouldn’t we wait till the hard liners in Israel, who insist that the Palestinians will never have a state; and the Holocaust deniers of Hamas all make nice? Isn’t it just inconvenient that Iran is developing nuclear capacity with no Arab/Israeli peace accord in site? What can Obama do, though. No peace accord, no visit. Right?