How much money would it require for you to be a stripper?
I had this discussion with someone, and we were looking at a few of the pluses and minuses. What would it take for you to consider it. Men or women jump in.
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23 Answers
I should qualify this. You’re relatively young, don’t do well in school, and just don’t care about how seedy it is.
I’m not relatively young, did do well in school, and do (kind of) care about how seedy it is – and I’d still do it (at least once) for ten bucks, some fresh-baked cookies, and a stack of comics.
If some banana wants to pay to see me strip, who am I to argue?
@cookieman Oh god, ROTFL. Thanks for your answer. :)
@cookieman Take it off, take it off. tosses dollar bills
@cookieman: Would you tell jokes while stripping? If so, you’d be getting far more than $10 and cookies from me ;)
@chyna I almost burst out laughing at that. Go for it.
Young jellies, think this over before you ever think about this. It’s a tough life.
For you? Or for a broader audience?
I hadn’t thought of that angle. Let me think on that.
It does not matter, as long as I get to wear this
Bearing in mind I can only move my head and shoulders, I suspect it would take a huge amount of money spent on medical research to find a way of making it possible… ask me again then.
Not much on moral issues or ’‘seediness’’, but as far as being physical and sexy looking, I don’t think I have that in me, if it includes more than waitressing. But if I did, it could just be any job. Of course, you need training to be a stripper, so that probably wouldn’t have been up my alley, had I all other requisites. Lol. Although I have worked in quite a lot of bars in my working life, it’s hectic and not always pleasant, but it becomes a job you get used to. Like most jobs, I guess. Being a stripper probably is not the same at all though, even if the same elements may be found within both jobs. Eh.
But if I could just perform battle screams and break shit on stage, I’d do that for like, 12 bucks an hour. It would rock. and I wanna throw bones at people.
I wouldn’t want to make a career of it, but I would love to feel confident enough and to be able to dance well enough to strip on a stage. When you look at some of the burlesque entertainers, their work is an art form. I would love to be so sexy. How much would I need to be paid… I really have no idea. I think I would do it for the experience more than the money.
A typical stripper salary is enough incentive for me. I’d do it if I were thinner.
I wouldn’t. Not because I have body issues and for those who do, just spend a few minutes on the internet and you’ll find people who fantasize about someone who looks exactly like you
I have 3 good friends who work/worked as strippers, for different reasons – well, the same reason was always money – They’re great people.
I wouldn’t, for any money, because nudity is something intimate for me. There’s no shame in it, but the act of sharing and revealing is meaningful for me.
Disclaimer: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with stripping…it’s just not the job for me. In the same way that working in, say, a fast food restaurant isn’t for me. I don’t have a problem with people who do it, and am happy to avail myself of their services (fast food workers! Get your mind out of the gutter! ~), I just don’t want to do that job.
So, it depends on how desperate I was. Presently, I’d probably do it for far less than I would have back when money (well, lack of money) wasn’t such a problem in my life. Standard stripper salary would certainly be more than I’m currently making. If I still had the body for it and could dance without pain, I’d probably go apply right now!
If I needed the money badly, I’d do it. I’m young, charismatic, and I know how to dance well. I just figure that I can make good money elsewhere without having to be so provocative.
I honestly think people would pay me more to put my clothes back on.
There is no market for 55+ year old overweight men with no hair to take their clothes off. Since no one will pay, I won’t even volunteer.
Very good point @Blueroses. Followed up by Calendar Girls with older women making a nude calendar. As a disturbing side note to this thought, I couldn’t remember the name of the film featuring Helen Mirren and I put ‘old ladies stripping film’ in Google and got 30,700,000 hits with old ladies doing all sorts of things you don’t want to imagine your granny doing. So @elbanditoroso I feel sure there’s a market for you if you feel inclined to earn a little beer money!
Helen Mirren is still a sexy woman. Every watch her interviews on Graham Norton?
Young hollywood studs go gaga over her! It’s sharpness, attitude and classy-naughty that appeals.
We really need to forget the idea that sexuality is invented anew in every generation! It’s been here forever and will continue after the current hardbodies go to flab. :)
Oh yes she is @Blueroses. Have you seen those photos of her in a bikini? She is such a beautiful woman and yes, sharp and sassy with class.
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