NSFW- What would you feel if this happenend to me?
You folks know I drink.
If pictures of me getting sex from several different women in a black out or near black out surfaced on the internet, would you insist on them being tried for sexual assault?
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18 Answers
I would charge you with DUI. Diddling Under Influence.
I don’t quite understand, do you mean you were so drunk you couldn’t resist and these women took advantage of your condition and forced you to have sex with them?
Do you feel violated, or is this just a thought experiment?
And… if you are drinking to the point of blacking out, please get some help. It sounds like you’re in trouble.
So you’re checking out the reverse expectations?
If that were to happen to a female, people might respond with outrage and sympathy.
You being a male, do you think you’d get more like a teasing response?
Dude! Can’t believe you slept through your lucky night!
Firstly, if this really happened and this is a serious question, I would be worried about you. If you are drinking to the point of blacking out, that’s not good and I hope you will consider what you can do to stop that happening again.
If while you were in a vulnerable state a woman or women took advantage of you, I would feel as badly for you as if you were a girlfriend. If you were not able to give consent that’s as much a sexual assault as if it happened to a woman. Did this happen? Do you feel violated? Rather than asking how ‘we’ would feel about you, how do ‘you’ feel about this situation?
@Bellatrix I believe he is referring to the Steubenville trial which is in the news now. A 16 year old girl drank so much she passed out. Some boys 16, 17 years old carried her from party to party and molested/had sex/stripped her and left her naked at a friend’s house. While this was happening boys and girls took pictures and videos and put it on the internet with crude, rude comments. The two boys were charged and convicted of rape
Yes, I’m aware of that trial. My answer still stands, male or female if someone isn’t sober enough to reliably consent to having sex, a person who takes advantage is guilty of sexual assault. And, if a person is regularly drinking to the point of blackout, they should seek help. Thanks @LuckyGuy.
Before I can answer the question I need to know if you are 16 or under and the age of consent for your state.
Raping a drunk person is a heinous act, regardless of gender.
Could you please take another look at your question and details and see if you got “you” and “me” the way you meant them in each case? It’s a little hard right now to tell how hypothetical this is meant to be.
I would be outraged on your behalf. It’s wrong to have sex with anyone who can’t consent, no matter their gender.
It would depend on the circumstances but probably not. I would just make sure it didn’t happen again.
Consider if “pictures of me you getting sex from several different women men in a black out or near black out surfaced on the internet” and then tell me if you would want us to see them charged for sexual assault?
Or if the women were using a large strap-on? Does that make a difference?
Forcing sex on someone when they are drunk or incapacitated is wrong. Don’t try to cloud the issue.
Can a guy who is so drunk he blacked out get an erection?
I’d feel that those hookers slipped you a roofie, to ensure that you paid them for their services. ;-)
Apathy & I had no idea you drank.
If it was non-consensual then the answer is obvious.
@janbb That’s… what I was wondering.
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