How to get these girls to SHUT UP?
Asked by
March 23rd, 2013
Okay so yesterday I got finished working in the garden I was FILTHY, covered in dirt from head to toe, and some girly girls across the room started saying “Oh look at her she is so filthy and ugly, and she always is dressed like a boy.” I just wanted to smash in their faces but I ignored them and started playing Pokemon with some friends. And then they were like “Oh she plays Pokemon? I thought that was for boys.” And I am getting madder at them every day because they make fun of me for being a tomboy and just yesterday they said I like the guys I hang out with when skateboarding,When I don’t! What do I do? I know I’m not going to tell an adult. so, what else should I do to shut them up?
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11 Answers
Get them to shut up by telling them to shut up.
You can do nothing to shut them up. They feed on your reactions, of course. If you ignore tham and go about your business, they will have no ammunition.
It is a good life-skill to develop for the long haul. Consider how they are wasting their time and energy in such a non-productive activity.
Do not respond to them in any way. That is what they want.
Find some friends who share your interests, immediately. (As I see you are doing.)
At some point, their inane and vacuous behavior will catch up to them.
You can’t shut them up by doing anything other than ignoring them. If you react in any way, you will feed their desire to push your buttons.
I promise you that their opinion of you means nothing. You will be happier in the long run by being true to what you enjoy. Gardening is a great skill to have, and getting dirty is fun! Playing games that appeal to you is fun, too.
As you grow up, you’ll learn that shallow people are not worth your energy because you won’t please them or convince them to change their ways. You will find people who like, appreciate, and love you for the unique individual you are. There may not be a whole lot of those people, but the ones you find will be the truest friends a person could ever wish to have.
Hang in there… It gets better.
@gailcalled is absolutely correct. The more you react, the more they react…and on and on. Ignore them and eventually they’ll get bored and move on. Of course it’s annoying (I’ve had to deal with this myself) but actually, this kind of bullying is pretty tame. You may find yourself running up against more serious forms of it all your life. Now is a good time to learn how to deal with it.
One thing’s for certain: You’ve got lots of friends here.
Learn early on that most people are ignorant and just proliferate the lowest-common-denominator stereotypes they learn from society and their parents.
These girls are making up for their low self-worth by stepping on someone who doesn’t fit in the social roles as “well” as they do. As other posters have commented, these girls are getting off on your reactions.
So you need to take your reactions somewhere else. Write in a journal, draw pictures, play video games, compose music. It’s difficult, but learning how to channel your emotions is a very useful skill and you’ll be ahead of the game if you learn this now.
I got alot of this same shit in middle school and high school. It’s when children are learning to mirror the same oppressions that occur in society. And since they are children, there’s no need to veil their disdain with polite language and codes.
You’re better than that, and you can find true friends who will value you for who you are. Join a school club if you can, to meet people with similar interests.
Take care of yourself, and good luck.
Be yourself and be as happy as you can possibly be. Ignoring the situation and showing them that you are happy will make them realize sooner or later that they have no business in commenting.
Or you can just punch them.
Bullies thrive on your fear and anger. If you show them you’re not upset by their actions, then hopefully, eventually, they’ll get bored and leave you alone. If you really want to make them angry, just ignore them and be the best person you can be. Whatever you do, do not sink to their level of pettiness. These girls aren’t worth your time.
Ignore them. I know it’s hard, but after being bullied all my life that is one thing that I’ve learned that works. They will get bored and move on. Or you can joke along with them and say Hell yeah I look like a boy! A damn right sexy one too! Thank you for noticing. As for the pokemon, so what? I love pokemon and I just turned 20. And you know what? I bet you are around more guys more often than they are. Rub that back in their face. Say, at least the guys actually WANT and LIKE to hang out with me. I don’t see any wanting to be around you.
But you’re best bet really is to just ignore them
I believe that these girls are noticing your importance in achieving independant thought,actions and realizing that they want a part of what you have?
In short..maturity and independance and courage to do your own thing and not worry about the peer group mentality.
Maturity…some obtain it earylier than others.
Usually by college most realize the peer group mentality was wrong.
As in life one grows up to become an independant free thinking adult.
Something to strive for.
Just make sure that these two girls do not come after you.
If they do…single out the leader alone, without the leader the group disapates.
Years ago my older brother discovered that tactic.
He realized that usually whimpy people surround themselves with a group to guard them. They usually are the loud mouths causing the trouble for the rest of there group to handle.
Explain that to the leader ( call her out if you have too) infront of her peers and see the group see the leader as they really are…scared. Usually ends with the leader backing out.
Hope all works out ok.
I was bullied a bit as a kid and my son is having some bullying problems at school. They aren’t making fun of you because you are you, they are finding someone, anyone, who they can call names and tease to make themselves feel better about themselves and big and important and superior. If it wasn’t you, it would be someone else. The worst thing you can do to a bully is ignore them. They are trying to get to you with words they think will hurt you in some way so they get a reaction so they can ‘level up’ the game they are playing. Don’t let them. Let them have their mob mentality and weak friendship bonds. You are making real friends and doing what you want to do and doing it better because you don’t have to pick on someone to make you feel good about yourself. I think they are just jealous. Smile to yourself and carry on.
Typical of a bully.
They look for easy targets.
People that do not stand up for them selves, and have low self confidence etc.
Once the target learns the mechanics of how and why bullies operate..they soon realize how the bully group can dismantle very easy.
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