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pleiades's avatar

Running Gurus: Would you recommend shin splint support?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) March 24th, 2013

I know the rule of thumb is to not climb back into running so fast, but I know I won’t be able to help myself around week 4 (my mindset is still as strong as ever and my lungs seem to be gaining strength, but it’s hard for me to guage my legs, last time I stopped running and started again everything seemed fine, for a solid month I was doing 3.3 miles in around 27–30 minutes regularly and then one week I just had a bad case of shin splints, I had crappy Wal-Mart shoes too during this reign)


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10 Answers

rooeytoo's avatar

This part of has a wealth of information on shin splints. I don’t remember ever actually having pain in my shins so I can’t offer any personal advice.

gailcalled's avatar

My daughter had chronic shin splints from running as an adolescent and was told to find other sports. She now skies, hikes and rides mountain bikes, a lot.


rooeytoo's avatar

@gailcalled – I kept reading skies as the plural of sky and I couldn’t figure out what it meant, then I realised skies, heheheh. I hope the whole day doesn’t go like this!

gailcalled's avatar

@rooeytoo: The plural of ski is, of course, skis. It isn’t the first time that my overzealous auto-correct has taken over.. I turn my back on it for one minute and it runs amok. This happens regularly.

Your day will be just fine. It is mine that may be cursed.

dabbler's avatar

It’s not a plural, it’s a third person singular.
But the spelling is ‘skis’ in that case, too.

rooeytoo's avatar

@gailcalled – heheh, thank goodness I am not loosing my mind. But then again I might be because I was willing to accept that it was correct as it stood. Nonetheless my day so far has been quite good, but it is only lunch time!

@dabbler – I don’t know what you mean, ski, skis is a verb. Sky and skies are nouns??? So what do you mean by third person singular???

Sorry @pleiades – didn’t mean to turn this into a grammar lesson. Yep good advice is to ride your bike or use elliptical until the shin splint is better. I am battling with a sore knee at the moment, wearing a patella band. So I am resigned to boring times on the elliptical because by the time of day I am ready to go there is too much traffic for bicycling!

gailcalled's avatar

@rooeytoo : (Losing my mind.)

First person singular: I ski

Second person singular; you ski (or thou skieth)

Third person singular; she skis.

She left her skis outside the lodge.

rooeytoo's avatar

gk@gailcalled – I have a lisp today so I really am loosing mine, hehehe!

gailcalled's avatar

@rooeytoo:Thorry to hear that.

dabbler's avatar

@gailcalled got the verb declension enumerated properly. In the context it was first used, ‘skis’ was a singular verb, rather than a plural noun.

But what to do about shin splints….
I know lots of people insist that folks land on their heels when running, then roll forward.
ALL of the people I ever knew who got shin splints are heel-strikers.
I suggest instead landing on the middle of the foot or forefoot, like a sprinter, this lets the ankle joint take a lot of the shock of the footfall and avoids transmitting it up the leg bones.
None of the forefoot strikers I knew when I was running a lot ever had shin splints.
(based on anecdotal information, your mileage may vary)

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