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rojo's avatar

What is the correct way to make a bed?

Asked by rojo (24187points) March 25th, 2013

When you make up a bed, does the top sheet go under the pillows, over the top of the pillows or does it fold back on itself before it gets to the pillows?

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19 Answers

Pachy's avatar

My mother, who learned it from hers, put the top sheet under the pillows. She then covered everything with the bedspread, leaving enough extra at the top to tuck it under the pillows but still cover them. (Wow! I never had the explain that in writing. Make sense?)

Too much trouble for me. I simply don’t make it up most of the time. :(

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I could care less about how to do it. My s/o is a freak about how it has to be done just so. It’s a bed. Relax and get a good nights rest in it.

marinelife's avatar

There is no one right way. It is a matter of preference.

Pachy's avatar

@josie, it’s for certain I would not have lasted long in Shane Medders’ outfit. ;-)

gailcalled's avatar

Plump pillows, pull things up, throw down duvet over all, or


do nothing ( and defiantly continue to wear the safety pin in your bra).

tedibear's avatar

As @marinelife said, there is no correct way. We can only tell you what we do or prefer.

Once I have put my top sheet on, I put on the bedspread. Then I fold down the top sheet and the bedspread so that the bed looks like it is inviting us to sleep there. Once the pillows have their cases, they go in their spots and we are ready to sleep.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m trying to understand the importance of this in the first place.

First, who (other than you and your SO if you have one), goes into your bedroom to check?

Second, over / under / between – how, or why, does it matter? If you have a waterbed, you might lost a little heat from one way or another, but if you have a normal mattress, there is no benefit to doing it one way or another.

Finally, and most important, who makes the rules of what is “correct” and what is “not correct”? Will the Bed Standards Inspection Service come to your house and examine your bedrooms before giving you the Good Housekeeping seal of approval?

This seems much more of a “what does everyone else do so I had better do it as well” issue than an issue that has real import.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I don’t know. One day I do one way and the next day I do another. I don’t even remember how I make my bed this morning =))
I don’t care which way is the best. It’s how the bed will look like afterward that matter

Luiveton's avatar

Folds back on itself.

rojo's avatar

@elbanditoroso no deeper meaning in the question. I was just wondering out loud.

Red_Turtle's avatar

Folds back on itself so is welcoming you and your partner in. Warm, casual elegance. Also it happens to show case marvelous color coordination and dynamic. The sheet should be solid the bedding blanket of choice should not.

The option of covering pillows looks dated. Conveys a message ‘don’t touch me I’m an overstuffed prude.’

Option number three is acceptable but has a tendency to look sterile. Unless you have a good number of supremely awesome pillows.

majorrich's avatar

I’m kinda with @josie on this. I used to make my bed like that and sleep on the floor. Using a coat hanger to hold the corner makes it easier to have a wrinkle free fold. My excuse for sleeping on the floor was it was better for my back. Nobody ever questioned me.

gailcalled's avatar

@Josie; I had trouble understanding half of what the Instructor said. What’s a famous military rat? Plus, the guy will be developing osteoarthritis of the knees soon and be eligible for an honorable discharge or desk duty only.

Berserker's avatar

I put the blankets over the pillows. And it looks funny, because you can only see a small part of the top of the pillows and their corners, it looks like they’re sleeping. ^^

dabbler's avatar

Similar to @Red_Turtle I fold the top sheet back over the blankets/duvet (depends on the season how many layers…). That is inviting. I want to be able to just get in there when the time comes, and not have to undo a bunch of useless tucking.
And if you pull it up a bit you can get the sleeping pillows effect that @Symbeline mentions.

Plucky's avatar

I make mine very similar to @josie‘s suggestion. I don’t think it’s better than every other way. For me, it is. But that doesn’t make it better than anyone else’s method.

bob_'s avatar

Have @Symbeline wear a French maid outfit and make it for you.

I mean, uh, what?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Whatever way YOU like.
Unless you are in housekeeping department..who cares?
Do it your way.

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