@tom_g I understand where you are coming from. But those pushing for that chart the Upworthy showed to get even more skewed toward inequality ONLY use highly emotional appeals. You’re asking freethinkers to go into a gunfight without even a pocket knife. The most rational among us already know the things that videos like my Superbowl ad for Atheism and your Upworthy video for equitable distribution of wealth ar pushing for. To win that argument, you must reach those who haven’t heard the message and will not be swayed by preachiness alone.
@bkcunningham You disappoint me. I know you don’t like the message, but you’re usually able to come up with better rebuttals than claiming there’s a misplaced modifier when there isn’t. You’d have understood the question perfectly and never challenged its wording in such a disingenuous way if it had been about the Coke Superbowl Commercial or the God Made a Farmer Superbowl Commercial Chrysler’s Ram Truck division ran.
@Crumpet It seemed to me like they ran short on time and truncated that last point, assuming everyone would know what @tom_g explained about it. It probably should have either been explained or left out of the ad.
@nofurbelowsbatgirl Did you overlook this explanation immediately above your post?
@rosehips & @flutherother I refer you to what I said in reply to similar sentiments from tom_g above.
@amujinx Do you seriously believe that America’s largest corporations have grown so big because they are clueless that advertising is a waste of money, and so for them it somehow magically works. Are they like Wile E. Coyote, able to walk on thin air just as long as they don’t look down and realize they’ve gone off the edge of the cliff. This is the voice of reason?
@nofurbelowsbatgirl We need a single word to describe a large group of people. Christian is understood to mean people as diverse as Saint Francis and David Koresh. Sure, you could hang lots of additional modifiers on any Christian to further specify what kind they are, but that doesn’t mean the collective noun is useless.
As Wikipedia notes in defining Atheism, “Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist.” Most atheists, myself included, fall into that definition. A very small number claim they are absolutely certain that no deity exists. I am every bit as agnostic about that claim as I am about the claim that a deity does exist, and Yahweh is that deity. I am equally doubtful that fairies or unicorns exist. I don’t KNOW they are the stuff of fantasy. I just see no evidence for their existence, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. You can’t even prove that reindeer can’t fly. Push as many as you wish off tall buildings or cliffs, and when they fail to fly, all you have definitively proven is that they did not choose to fly at that particular time.
@ninjacolin Aren’t freethinkers their own worst enemies. The consensus among you is that the production values were far to slick and advertising driven, but that they weren’t slick and advertising worthy enough. No wonder the Flat Earthers win so often.