Do you ever wish there was an "are you f****ng kidding me" button?
Asked by
Judi (
March 25th, 2013
from iPhone
No, I don’t want to change fluther, I like it just the way it is, but do you ever read an answer and wonder what planet the person is from? I know this has to be in Meta but I hope social rules can apply.
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28 Answers
Yes! I just experienced a real need for this. Someone attempted to educate me on something, and only succeeded in making me <facepalm> and wonder if that person lives under a rock.
I wonder if it was the same answer I was thinking about??
Nope, it was in a PM. But I’ll share my pancakes with you if you tell me what you’re referring to!
Now I want to know what I missed!
I’ll pm you @willworkforchocolate.
Yes, more times then I can count. I also wish there was a “dislike” button for Facebook posts, but that is a different thread.
Quite often, usually after proof reading one of my own answers.
Do you mean in life? I wish there was.
Maybe a leave out the ****‘s & just put the fucking bastard twatting word button.
I agree, though it’s the cheesy cliches that bug the shite outta me!!
Yes, definitely. It would save time and it couldn’t be modded because it would not be against the rules you know.
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Yeah, if there was such a button, I’d click it when half the thread is about some bugger’s PM that people on said thread are planning to make fun of, in their own PM’s. :p
[mod says] Please don’t mention specific incidences which make it clear who/what you’re talking about, folks. Thanks!
No, but I would like a “What are you, stupid or something?” button.
People take the piss of other users in PM’s?
Get right outta fucking town!
Okay. I wish that a non-specific user had clarified the non-specific communication relative to skittles in some other unnamed venue.
Which was, after all, the basis of the farking question.
All. The. Fucking. Time.
I’d like one installed on Facebook, too
Can the icon for it be a face palm?
I just read a question where I would have hit the button a dozen times.
Or perhaps a ‘Are you for real?” “Or what the F…. have you been smoking?” button. And also not just a face palm but maybe banking my head on the wall emoticon :)
Sorry that was “banging my head on the wall” emoticon.
Reddit has up and down arrows for posts and comments, and it seems to work. I wonder if there are any other sites that do so? I don’t always want to get in a back-and-forth over something I disagree with, so if someone challenges the questionable post/comment or at least asks for clarification, I will GA/Like their comment.
@hearkat, YouTube has up and down votes too. I don’t think fluther should change, I just wanted to vent my dismay at a particular answer without actually confronting the person.
@Judi Except that this whole thread is pretty much a confrontation of whoever you’re talking about. In which they can’t really respond.
Yes @glacial I wanted to vent without an argument. I’m passive aggressive that way. ~
I never named the person or pointed out the outrageous comment so I’m not harming anyone here.
Yes but mainly when I’m dealing with NHS management.
Yes, I do, especially on facebook.
Yahoo Answers has the thumbs up, thumbs down voting system too.
I could never be supportive of any idea of a thumbs down/downrave button for so many obvious reasons. I would only be supportive of such a function if this was available on a site like freerepublic, and only if guests were allowed to use it (being sarcastic).
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