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poisonedantidote's avatar

What are your thoughts on my paranoid conspiracy theory?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) March 25th, 2013

Recently, I have started to suspect, and even to a certain extent believe my own conspiracy theory, and I am curious to see what people think of it and what criticism and counter arguments can be thrown at it.

The conspiracy theory:

There is a plot to strip the public of their wealth with the aim of keeping them under control.

Originally, back in the day so to speak, there would be a castle with a king, and the king would be both richer and smarter than the public, these elements would allow the king to rule, and thus enjoy a luxurious quality of life.

As time passed, the public acquired books and schools, and started to become smarter. However, the king still had access to private high quality education, private libraries, and money.

Fast forwards to modern day, and many members of the general public are now smarter than your average politician.

For government to keep control, they need to be smarter and richer than us, and if left unchecked, it would not take the public long to take over.

The strategy, is to create a fake economic crisis to strip the public of their wealth. You see things like cash4gold schemes, to further strip people of wealth, and things like inheritance tax, to stop the public from getting rich the same way the politicians and government got rich.

Furthermore, you see things like SOPA and PIPA popping up, with the intention of controlling the internet, with the goal of preventing things like the Arab spring from happening.

Just like slave owners did not like their slaves to read, our government does not want us to be smart enough to challenge them, and so we are seeing all these different things.

In my mind, this all started around about the time that the internet took off and became globally popular.

The idea, is to strip us of wealth, as that is the final frontier of control. If we were smarter and richer, the government would lose control.

I think they want more things like fast food and alcohol, more dumb TV, and more controlling laws and taxes, to keep us unhealthy, dumb, poor, and easy to control.

So, that is the rough outline of my unsupported paranoid conspiracy, what do you think of it?

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18 Answers

Judi's avatar

I don’t think it’s government as much as it is the elete trying to reclaim control by turning the government into their own tool. People in government are just pawns.

ragingloli's avatar

The government is not the main actor in this conspiracy, they are only the puppets.
The puppet masters are the corporations.
SOPA and PIPA? Those are so obviously brainchildren of the corporate slavers, it is not even funny.
In fact, the Government is just as much a victim of the corporations as the people. The government is supposed to be your. If it does not do what you want it to do, you need to take back control of it, instead of condemning it, and discard the only tool you have to defend yourself against the new aristocracy.

jaytkay's avatar

US taxes are at their lowest point in decades.

Low-and middle-income income and wealth have stagnated for decades.

At the same time, wages and wealth have soared for the few at the top.

It’s not a conspiracy. It’s an open fact.

I don’t think it was so much a conspiracy as a snowball effect.

—People with money naturally strive to work the markets and the government to their advantage
—When they have more money, they can spend more working the markets and the government to their advantage’

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I believe both @Judi & @ragingloli are right. The pressure from corporations, and their major stockholders/boards of directors has been applied much longer than the advent of the internet, however. Attributing the same rights of people to corporations is one of the many ways corporations have become more powerful than the government itself. A major leap in this direction ocurred with the Supreme Court decision of Southern Pacific RR vs Santa Clara County (Calif) of 1886 in favor of the corporate entity. It continues today with the outrageous SCOTUS decision of Citizen’s United vs Federal Elections Commission.

Various fronts, such as citizen rights, free speech, livelihood, and information have been simultaneously eroded for a long time: I cite the removal of the FCC’s 1949 Fairness in Broadcasting Doctrine in 1987 (which radically changed how news is delivered in the mainstream media) and replaced by the Fairness in Broadcasting Act of 1993, the repeal of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Banking Act which was replaced by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999, the gradual weakening of the SEC since the 1990s, etc., etc., and of course the Patriot Act with it’s threats to habeas corpus, free speech zones, incursions into our right to privacy, etc., etc. The economic data for the past 60 years show the effects these actions have had on upward mobility in the US. It is increasingly obvious that large US and Multinational corporations have insidiously become more powerful than our elected government on many fronts.

I’m not sure what defines a conspiracy theory, but there is a lot of real supporting evidence pointing toward what you describe is actually happening.

serenade's avatar

It’s a decent start.

1. What is wealth? If wealth is made of lollipops, what does it mean when the lollipop manufacturer takes back the lollipops they manufactured? Or what if they flood the market with lollipops?

2. What does it mean to be more intelligent? Intelligence certainly helps, but it doesn’t necessitate power. Intelligence by another definition is the keeping of secrets, which doesn’t necessarily cut along the lines of intelligence but of belief in a range of possibilities. If someone induces limiting beliefs in you, then they can exercise power over you. I think it’s belief that’s the final frontier, so to speak, but that’s not anything new. It’s always been about belief.

You might find the first video on this page of interest.

josie's avatar

What’s paranoid about that?

Everybody knows it.

The problem is some people like being controlled, and love the idea of giving their money to the government. Even better, somebody else’s money!

You don’t like it, but you have been beaten down so much, you have to apologize by saying you are paranoid.

You’ll probably wind up getting modded for something.

jaytkay's avatar

For every can of soup a minority woman has, a Forbes 400 member has a mansion and a yacht

See number 5 here

jaytkay's avatar

Incomes for the bottom 90 percent of Americans grew by $59 on average between 1966 and 2011 (inflation adjusted)

During the same period, the average income for the top 10 percent of Americans rose by $116,071 (inflation adjusted)


Linda_Owl's avatar

I don’t think that your ‘paranoid conspiracy’ theory is a conspiracy theory at all, I think it is the REALITY that most of us live with on a daily basis…. and as long as Politicians (& the Corporations) remain in charge of our government, nothing will change.

Jaxk's avatar

All governments move over time, towards Oligarchy. Your example was for a monarchy but it is true for any form of government, Communist, Democratic, Monarchy, you name it. That was the essential problem the founders struggled with while creating the US. It is the reason for the three branches of government. It is the reason for a small central government and states rights. They tried to build a government that would not devolve into Oligarchy. Apparently they were only able to delay it.

There are many here that believe the power rests in the hands of the Economic Elite, the rich, if you will. Make no mistake, the power lies in the hands of Government. It is government that controls the police, the economy, and our education. There are a few wealthy that have influence as is true in any system. Monarchs have the rich friends, even communists have them. But thier influence is limited and only useful if it advances the role of government. You rightly point out the impact of education. A key to any Oligarchy. If you can control the education, you control the masses. Indoctrination is key. Its very interesting to note that all nine members of the Supreme court attended Harvard or Yale universities. The last four Presidents attended Harvard or Yale. We scream about diversity but continue to elect the same clones, regardless of skin color or sex.

I don’t know if your theory is a conspiracy or not but there is certainly a lot of evidence for it. Are you paranoid if they really are out to get you?

tom_g's avatar

Don’t try to explain things with a conspiracy when no conspiracy is needed. Most of what you are describing is just an analysis of how corporations work. See @ragingloli.

Arewethereyet's avatar

What conspiracy? Its actually happening in CYPRUS as we speak!

bookish1's avatar

Yeah, I don’t think it’s a conspiracy. When I was a young anarchist, I used to believe in secret cabals. But now I think more in terms of systemic processes.

antimatter's avatar

You and David Icke should combine forces.

basstrom188's avatar

These people are our betters, we should show them due deference

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