Social Question

If someone is a Satanist, do they have to consider what Christian denomination their Satan would be related with?
Before I begin, I would like to clearly note that I am not planning on becoming a Satanist, and that I am not making this question to make fun of religion and Christians in any way. I am atheist, however I am genuinely curious about this, and if it’s important what kind of ’‘Satan’’ one would worship.
See today these Jehovah Witnesses came by here, and told me that right now, the world is controlled by Satan, and he manipulates society, corporations and politics. However, this Satan does not directly control the minds of men. But in some other denominations, Satan works differently, doing things on an individual basis, and getting personal with people.
So if someone is going to worship the Devil, shouldn’t one be aware of what exactly he does? And how? Do Satanists ’‘shop’’ for their religion? When I was younger, I was into Laveyan Satanism, but in this particular practice, one does not worship a being called Satan, rather than ’‘Satan’’ being a given idea to a specific philosophy, which has for purpose to learn how to live without Christian vice, and be what we’re supposed to be. I guess Anton got pretty butthurt about getting sent to Sunday school as a kid Some people worship Lucifer, as in, the qualities that the Devil had before becoming a fallen angel.
The Devil seems to have a lot of different roles and ways to do things, but to me he pretty much just symbolizes chaos and destruction. Shouldn’t that be enough? Seems to me that God is about peace and love, so I never quite understood why all these different denominations exist for God; is it any different with Satan, and if not, why? When people decide to worship Satan, do they do their homework and decide what kind of evil they want to support, or is the chaos as a whole good enough? Does the fact that most Christian beliefs are official, for lack of better word, and devil worship isn’t, make a difference on how this is viewed? Is it even viewed at all?