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talljasperman's avatar

When will there be another level to get a university education (details inside)?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 29th, 2013

We have high school, bachelors, masters, Ph.d, when will the next level be announced…. and is it around already… I think Dr. Phil was announcing that he had a degree in psychology Emeritus on one of his shows?

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9 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

There are post doctoral programs in place already. Here.

(of the former holder of an office, esp. a college professor) having retired but allowed to retain his/her title as an honor: emeritus professor of microbiology: the gallery’s director emeritus.

Dr. Phil calls himself a lot of things, but is not known for his accuracy; he is a talk show host and TV personality.

Dr. Phil is a Doctor. He has a Ph.D. in Psychology.
Dr. Phil is not a psychologist. He is not licensed as a psychologist.
Dr. Phil used to be a psychologist. He used to be licensed.
He cannot practice psychology, and what he does is not actually the practice of psychology.

bookish1's avatar

Well, there’s always a second degree… I am in awe of people who have multiple PhDs, or a PhD/JD/MD combination… How do they do that??

filmfann's avatar

they don’t spend their weekends doing Kill Bill movie marathons

submariner's avatar

I think we may need something in between high school and college, along with more pre-k education. The transition between secondary and post-secondary education is not handled well in the US.

bookish1's avatar

@submariner : I agree about the transition… But I think we need to begin with actual education in high school, and not preparation for standardized exams.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@bookish1 you realize rather quickly how broken our education system is in your first weeks of college. “Ok nowwww forget EVERYTHING you’ve learned up to this point, its actually done like this.” ....wait….wha?

It seems we just teach to the test, remember this, this, and this. Problem is you don’t learn the why or how and rarely people even remember half the shit they learned because they weren’t actually taught but instead just regurgitate facts for the test and then forget about it completely.

bookish1's avatar

@uberbatman : In the U.S., we have No Child Left Behind to thank for that. Clearly, critical thinking and the ability to analyze arguments and evidence are unnecessary and downright counterproductive when all the country needs is wage/office slaves who will attest to their support of the plutocracy every 4 years.

I’m incredibly lucky in that I escaped that sort of education in high school, and I went to a public school.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@bookish1 egh No Child Left Behind. I was a junior in HS when that took place. I was in a smaller school that didn’t have AP/CP classes so everyone was all the same, problem was when NCLB started I suddenly stopped learning. “Yaaa so I realize half this class understands this material but a few of you don’t soooo the rest of you that do understand will just have to sit around bored until the rest of the class catches up.”

Ohhh awesome, I love being punished for being smart – _ -

bookish1's avatar

@uberbatman : That’s rough man :-/

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