General Question

Pandora's avatar

How do you know if you are depressed or just suffering momentary blues?

Asked by Pandora (32489points) March 29th, 2013

Lately small things that usually don’t bother me are making me blue. It could just be winter blues but I’m really feeling bummed and it bothers me that I can’t seem to snap out of it like usual.
So when should I be concerned?

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10 Answers

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Winter’s effects are cumulative. All those months of short days and cold nights… It takes more than the Vernal Equinox to get past that semi-hibernation known as the “winter blues.”

If you don’t feel better over the next month or two, you might want to be concerned. For now, however, you sound like just about everyone I know.

filmfann's avatar

Go get some sun, and take a Vitamin B10 suppliment.

tina_sausa's avatar

I don’t think you are suffering from depression. I experience “blues syndrome” myself. But it’s just natural for us to feel that way. According to professionals it’s part of human condition to feel sad. I know you will bounce back to your old self and part ways with your feeling blue. Perhaps you just need sometime to unwind, relax- go to a spa or go shopping with your good pals. Try to direct your thoughts on happy things and make yourself busy so you won’t think of those depressing thoughts that bugs you. Just be wary of what you are feeling and if nothing really helps- seek advice from medical professionals.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Talk to Dr. Lawrence about it. I have extensive experience in this area.

CuriousLoner's avatar

I could give an opinion. Or I could let the good man himself Howlin’ Wolf explain it.

Because hey man it’s quite possible you just got the blues.

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marinelife's avatar

How long has it been going on? That is a clue as the blues usually pass.

You could take the Mayo Clinic’s Depression Self-Assessment, If it is clinical depression, see a doctor. it won’t go away on its own.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Depression lasts longer and shows in the appearance of lack of good hygeine.
The blues are periodic.
If determined to feel down..then set a time limit.
After the time limit is something positive for yourself.
Be it a nice bubbly bath, a good novel, a new passion, new food, new trail to walk, new friend,?
Even writing a daily journal assists.
Soon srping will come round and hopefully you will have grown into a newer positive person.

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ScottyMcGeester's avatar

Depression is really debilitating. Depression is you staying in your room for days not wanting to do anything. It will take a toll not only on your mental health, but your physical health as well.

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