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Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

NSFW- Me time enhancement devices?

Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought (14682points) March 29th, 2013

People with vibrators, what convinced you to get one? Were you nervous going into the store to purchase one? Is this now all done online? What was it like before the interwebs?

I am still nervous buying condoms.

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10 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Shopping at the local store that sell sex toys, for me, has been similar to buying good knives or other kitchen wares. The salespeople were easygoing, well-informed and unsalacious.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

^Have I told you that you might be the classiest lady I have ever encountered?

gailcalled's avatar

Not recently.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Gailcalled, you are, hands down, the classiest lady I have ever encountered.

And judging by your mom’s photos, way too pretty for me.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’ve never purchased one, but I’d probably do it online. Buying condoms doesn’t embarrass me in the slightest, but I’d probably be uncomfortable buying something in a sex shop. Not that one should be embarrassed, of course.

Personally, penetration (even with vibration) doesn’t do a whole lot for me. I’ll stick to what I’ve got – me, myself, and I.

rojo's avatar

My daughter is a urology nurse and occasionally has to go to Sam’s or Walmart and buy large quantities of condoms (usually in the 100’s). She likes to do it in her civilian clothes (not scrubs) and preferably on a Friday night because of the reaction she gets from the sales people. If they raise their eyebrows and look askance, she will just smile sweetly and say “Party”

I raised her right.

whitenoise's avatar

I rather go to a store, get some advice and talk to some people than buy online.

Worrying about privacy, would mean more to me online than paying cash in a local shop. The shop will not keep records on me.

gailcalled's avatar

A vibrator is a very useful piece of equipment for aching muscles, particularly sore lower backs and necks, if you have scruples about buying one in a store.

rooeytoo's avatar

@rojo – she sounds like my kind of kid!!! I groomed dogs for a lot of years and the best method for eliminating skunk odor is a dip in the old original yellow powder Massingill Douche. I thoroughly enjoyed going into the drug store and buying a half dozen large jars of it. The looks from the clerks were amazing. Not as good as hundreds of condoms but back in those days, it raised a lot of eyebrows!

txtelevision's avatar

I just purchased the Clone-A-Willy kit and we made an exact replica of my husbands penis, enhanced with vibration. It is really amazing how it is exactly the same as his. I wish I could post a side by side pic but he would probably get mad at me for that, lol. We bought it online and it is perfect for when he is away on business.

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