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chyna's avatar

A friend of mine is considering getting a vasectomy but is afraid that it will hurt. What advice can you give him?

Asked by chyna (51712points) March 29th, 2013

I think he is also concerned that it will affect his sex life. Can you help enlighten him?

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35 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My brother got one and the procedure wasn’t bad. Stay inactive, keep ice on the balls, and all will be well. And his sex life got better after that. What could be better than getting into it when ever you feel like it with no interuptions.?

CWOTUS's avatar

It doesn’t hurt, beyond a couple of days’ worth of very minor discomfort. If anything, it should improve his sex life since he won’t have to worry about accidental impregnation of a partner. But he needs to be sure to follow the surgeon’s requirement to follow up to be sure that it was successful.

Judi's avatar

My son in law chickened out and walked out. They never should have left those tools in the room with him.

chyna's avatar

@Judi Ha! That was a bad plan.

ETpro's avatar

I hardly noticed mine. But if you later decide you want more children, then it hurts.

filmfann's avatar

For me, it was minor pain, followed by major pain when my balls swelled up like grapefruits, and I couldn’t zip my pants closed for about a week.

The funniest moment happened when I was lying on the table, fully exposed, and a male nurse came in and, lisping, said “Well, let’s see what we have!” There was no end to my discomfort.

ETpro's avatar

@filmfann Relax. If I worked in that venue, I’d develop a perfect lisp just to watch the effect it would have.

gondwanalon's avatar

Tell him not to do it as it will rob him of his manhood! HA! No but seriously, men have enough issues in that area of the body without monkeying around with it.

Pachy's avatar

Lots of great testicle-monies here.

jerv's avatar

Mine was easy. The worst part was the needle for the local anesthetic before they began. A couple of days sitting on a bag of frozen peas, no swelling, no problems.

The lack of stress revolving around birth control really improved things.

rojo's avatar

Don’t make the doctor laugh during the operation because then you laugh also and it makes the clamps go in and out of your testicle sack. And then the nurse giggles.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Been there, done that, and did not regret it for a second. .

It will affect his sex life – it will make him a much more desirable partner1 Totally worth it!

augustlan's avatar

My ex-husband had it done, and it was a piece of cake for him. It did improve our sex life, too, since we had no worries about me accidentally getting pregnant. I was very touched that he did it so willingly, because I’d already been through so much during my three pregnancies.

gorillapaws's avatar

Tell him to holds out for Vasalgel to get FDA approval in the US. It’s reversible.

ucme's avatar

He needs to man up & grow a pair…oh wait.

elbanditoroso's avatar

he needs to have a surgeon who does not talk very much. You don’t want any cutting remarks.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Also let him know the ejaculate and ejaculate look and feel exactly the same. There is a myth out there that says it is different. It’s not.

I’m guessing some anti birth control fundamentalists started it.

The only difference is the improved sex life with a more relaxed partner. Nice. Do it!
And do it more often.

antimatter's avatar

I don’t think it’s so bad. If he stays with one partner and don’t screw around then it’s fine, but if he plans screwing around he will still be back at squire one to wear protection for ST D’. After all cant go anywhere without rubber.

LuckyGuy's avatar

^^ “ejaculate and ejaculation” not “ejaculate and ejaculate”.
I hate it when that happens. (Mistakes, not ejaculations.)

filmfann's avatar

@LuckyGuy They often happen at the same time

chyna's avatar

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LuckyGuy's avatar

Agreed! .Look how often people come to realize their mistakes.
@chyna So? did he do it yet?

After my V, I asked the doc how long it would take before I was shooting blanks. He said it usually takes about 6 to 8 ejaculations over a period of a few weeks. I told my wife he said 68 ejaculations over a few weeks so we had to get busy!
Sadly, she didn’t fall for it.

chyna's avatar

@LuckyGuy I think he has decided to definitely not do it.

chyna's avatar

^I agree!

augustlan's avatar

Sheesh. It’s a little procedure compared to a woman’s surgery for the same outcome!

chyna's avatar

I totally agree @augustlan. I had the tubal and I was in a lot of pain for several days. Some men can be such babies.

rojo's avatar

@chyna then again, men are much more attached to their junk than women seem to be.

You guys don’t even give yours names for gods sake. How does it know when you are talking to it?

Judi's avatar

@rojo, I didn’t know how attached I was until I lost it. I would give anything to have my ovaries back.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I left my rotten prostate in the surgical center’s biohazard slop bucket. IMO, I should have received a discount for the vasectomy I had years before.

chyna's avatar

@LuckyGuy Thank you for that picture. I’ll have nightmares of your prostrate in a slop bucket.

augustlan's avatar

@rojo and @Judi That’s why I kept my ovaries when I let them have my uterus. ;)

CWOTUS's avatar

“If they want to take my vas deferens, they’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead ha…”

Oh, sorry. Wrong metaphor.

Judi's avatar

@augustlan, I told them to save my ovaries but the doctor forgot.

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