Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

So, Leslie Nielson died in 2010 and I only found out about that yesterday. Why did I not find it out sooner?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) March 30th, 2013

Is it because celebrities are so irrelevant to me?

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12 Answers

glacial's avatar

Because you’re not on Facebook?

rebbel's avatar

What? He is dead???

elbanditoroso's avatar

You must live in Outer Mongolia. or the Yukon. Or maybe, Mississippi.

Berserker's avatar

I had to look him up.

CWOTUS's avatar

Surely you could have learned of this earlier.

Sunny2's avatar

Whatever. He’s worth mourning twice, so I’ll mourn with you.

gasman's avatar

“Surely you’re not serious.” Yes I am, and don’t call me Shirley…”

He was remember at the 2011 Oscars here. A full three seconds!

There’s also Dead People Server. I remember hearing it on the nightly news. The morbid side of me always pays attention to celebrity deaths.

Pachy's avatar

Because I’m such a movie lover, I’ve always followed actors’ deaths pretty closely, but even at that I sometimes miss one. An actor’s passing usually causes a flurry of obits which are then quickly overshadowed by other news, especially news of another actor’s death at the same time or shortly thereafter, which happens a lot. Bit of trivia about Nielson: he was a serious actor years before he became a comic one in movies like “Airplane” and “Police Squad.” Check out the 1956 sci-fi cult movie, Forbidden Planet, which was based on Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and a direct source for “Star Trek.”

poisonedantidote's avatar

Lots of famous people have died over the last few years, his death was probably eclipsed by the deaths of Michael Jackson, Patrick Swayze, and all the others that checked-out around that time.

ucme's avatar

Celebrities are irrelevant to you & yet you constantly bang on about the merits of various Star Trek casts…a slight anomaly, or ragingbullshit, again?

poisonedantidote's avatar

@ucme Technically the Star Trek cast are gods not celebrities. Forgive them Shatner, they know not what they say.

ucme's avatar

Proving the theory that trekkies are scary fuckers.

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