Social Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

How can people believe in a god that makes them do stuff at 5am?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) March 30th, 2013

It is 2am my time, and I am just going to take a nap for an hour before I have to get ready to go to church for a special Easter mass at 5am.

How can people believe in a god that created the hour 5am, much less one that makes people so stuff at that hour?

BQ: Why hold mass at church, at what could be reasonably called “an ungodly hour”.?

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20 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Let’s keep in mind that church isn’t just for worshiping the Lord, it is also to reach out to the sinners and help them find their way to the Lord.

I don’t know about you, but I have had some ugly realizations about my life at 5 am.

Jeruba's avatar

I had to smile because I feel the same way about the dawn hour, but there are some human beings who thrive on early-bird schedules.

However, even we atheists must be careful not to confuse the gods with the things that are done in their name. Churches and religions are human inventions. Whether we believe in God or not, we shouldn’t hold him responsible for the decisions of some ecclesiastical institution.

poisonedantidote's avatar

To me this is evidence that their is either no god, or that there is a malevolent one.

If this were up to me as the divine planner of the universe, We would wake up at 8am ready to go to work at 9am, that would be promptly followed by 10:30am about a minute later so we can have lunch, moving swiftly on to 5pm about a minute after that so we can get to go home, have dinner at 6pm, then watch some prime time TV 7pm 7pm 7pm 8pm 8pm 8pm 9pm 9pm 9pm, ready for sex and sleep for 10pm 11pm 12pm 13pm 14pm 15pm 16pm 17pm 18pm 19pm 20pm 21pm 22pm 23pm 24pm 25pm 26pm 27pm and 28pm, so we could be nice and rested for hitting the snooze button and sleep more from 29pm to 8am.

gailcalled's avatar

Thank you for my laugh of the evening.

Convert to Judaism. All holidays start (and end) at sundown.

Judi's avatar

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed Hallelujah!! (It’s a bit early for me to say that here in California but you will be saying it in an hour or so. The you’ll have your answer. )

ragingloli's avatar

Is that your biggest beef with the abrahamic god?

poisonedantidote's avatar

@ragingloli At the moment, having been awake for close to 30 hours, and looking at getting an hours nap at most, I’ll gladly hold up a “god hates fags” sign while I stone me some adulterers if I can just have a few extra hours sleep.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Because that same God gave us 4:20… just enough time to get prepped for 5:00.

if ya know what i mean

poisonedantidote's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies That is only 40 minutes, that hardly gives me enough time to do my Bruce Willis hangover impression.

I really have to sleep, I’ll check back in at 7am for a few more lolz.

EDIT: “4:20” is totally ruined by the dots between the 4 and the 2.

marinelife's avatar

Religious observance is supposed to involve discipline in most traditions.

ragingloli's avatar

also, 05:00 is when I go to sleep.

Earthgirl's avatar

I used to think of 5 AM as “an ungodly hour” in my youth. Now I get up every day at that time. Hey, it’s not like it’s every day, right? You can deal with it. Seems like you’re just doing it for her though. Maybe you should find something of value in it for yourself rather than just “going through the motions”. Enjoy! :)

bkcunningham's avatar

I have a friend who was raised to be a devout Catholic. She said she doesn’t t agree with all of the Catholic Church’s teachings and converted to Episcopalian several years ago. She is officially not a Catholic anymore. Yet, she attends mass at the local Catholic Church because, she says, the hours of the services are more convenient.

Aster's avatar

Yeah, it’s the discipline and sacrifice they want. I have never gone along with it but I’ve had two supernatural experiences before sunrise and I want more!
No; don’t bother asking me.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Some think the 42 meaning of life is what 4:20 is really all about.

Adagio's avatar

There are lots of reasons people get up at that hour, dairy farmers get up around that time to milk their cows, or they do in this part of the world anyway.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

I saw a sign today that said “Being on time is a life skill.” So whatever time you need to be there, you better be there on time cuz apparently there is more meaning to this “ungodly hour” idea, because I think it is just society driving it into us, and not actually God, hence the word “ungodly”.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Time to make the donuts.

poisonedantidote's avatar

9am, I finally got back.

We lit candles, sung songs, read genesis, then we walked down to the beach and crucified a fat preteen Jesus, and all the women started to cry.

I’ll never believe any of this stuff, I consider it to be borderline madness, however, I must say that being forced to go to church on a weekly basis so that I can get married, has changed my opinion a little on organized religion. It is not so bad when it is at a local level, I would even go as far as saying it can have positive effects. The main message given today, was to spread happiness and peace in the community.

Everyone who attended was from this town, all within walking distance of each other. From what I have seen, they were happy and sociable by the end of the rituals, on some level that has to be good for a small town like this one.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

You said “spread”.

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