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LuckyGuy's avatar

Oy! Where's the afikomen already?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) March 31st, 2013

Please! Aunt Bertie needs to go home and take her medications, Shelly and Howie have to study for their tests, and I have to start cousin Larry’s taxes.
Nu? Where’s the afikomen, already?

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42 Answers

Pachy's avatar

Hey, @LuckyGuy. I’ve got the afikomen if you’ve got the charoset. Boy, do I miss my mom’s charoset!

LuckyGuy's avatar

My charoset is so old we can use it to fix Uncle Louie’s garage.

zenzen's avatar

It’s been a week. Let it go. Go make bob_ a sandwich instead.

Pachy's avatar

@LuckyGuy, your Uncle Louie’s garage is a pryamid ???

Blackberry's avatar

I am so confused…..

janbb's avatar

Still at the seder? That ship left hours ago!

And I thought mine was long!

glacial's avatar

But today is the day for hiding ovoid chocolate afikomens, no?

Wait, what is the correct plural for afikomen?

janbb's avatar

@glacial Afikomenim or afikomenot depending on whether it is masculine or feminine. I haven’t looked at a matzo’s genitals lately.

glacial's avatar

Which leaves me humming, “Matzo, matzo man…”

janbb's avatar

@glacial Aha! So then it would be afikomenim!

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here; I absconded with it, of course, along with the charoset. They’ll make a nice snack, don’t you think? (You should see what spellcheck is trying to do with “charoset.”)

LuckyGuy's avatar

”...I’m gonna be a Matzo man.”

The rest of the afikomen has been in my pants all this time! Obviously no one looked. Darn it! I need to invite more interesting friends.

gasman's avatar

@LuckyGuy How did you know? I really had an Aunt Bert, cousin Shelley, and Uncle Howie, and they all came to the family seders. Happy Passover!

Now let’s all sing, “Afikomen ‘round the mountain…”

gailcalled's avatar

Being Easter, we call also say “Good Yontif to the Pontiff.”

gailcalled's avatar

Edit; …can…MY spellcheck has a mind of its own…probably because it’s not Jewish.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@gasman I noticed cousin Ronnie didn’t show. Why? The hot shot estate lawyer was in Barbados with his shiksa girlfriend half his age. Selma, may she rest in peace, is turning in her grave. I can hear her now: “For this Abe and I worked our fingers to the bone?!”

My ‘afi come in’ had no takers. At least the birds will enjoy it.

Picking a good Pontif should always lead to a Gut Yontiff.

gasman's avatar

maybe Elijah stole it when he came in for the wine

glacial's avatar

@LuckyGuy Be sure to take it out of your pants first. Lest beak-related injuries ensue.

janbb's avatar

@LuckyGuy Must have been an itchy week chez Lucky Guy! Obvviously you didn’t invite the right guests!

BTW, thanks for providing something for us Jews to do today!

(Although I am going to the movies and out for Chinese later.)

LuckyGuy's avatar

@glacial I can see me standing in front of the emergency room reception desk, my genitals bleeding and wrapped in towel… “I opened my pants and some young hot chick immediately jumped on it and got a little too excited.”
“Uh, can I get a walk-out report saying that? I want to show it to all my friends.”

@janbb Think I can still use it for Matzo Brie? I could back off a little on the salt.

janbb's avatar

@LuckyGuy Thank HaShem I don’t like Matzo Brie or that image would have killed it forever.

Pachy's avatar

So many Jews. so little time.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room And none of them going to Temple.

@janbb You already know I hate wasting food. Besides, a little oil, a little water, a couple of leftover goyim eggs and some time in the frying pan – it’s sterile again. Right?
Now I need to do something about this itching…

Pachy's avatar

Hey guys, I’ve got all the fixin’s to make Matzo Brie. Guess that makes dinner, er, Brie To Be.

Pachy's avatar

Hey, I AM in Temple, but the Reb just asked me to put away my Tablet.

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room You don’t have two tablets there?

Pachy's avatar

FRESH orange Jew!

Pachy's avatar

You can only read email on them one at a time.

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Just figured out – you are a Temple Orange!

Pachy's avatar

@janbb, only what’s pulpable.

Pachy's avatar

@janbb, actually, a Night Temple Orange. But only a temporary one.

janbb's avatar

@janbb rolls over and places flippers in the air with white flag wanly waving.

glacial's avatar

Penguin down!

Pachy's avatar

@glacial, LOL.
@janbb, my yamaka’s off to you. You hung it damned well.

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room O the Yellow Jews of Texas….......

Pachy's avatar

Oh, @janbb… that’s a beaut. I bow to YOU.

gailcalled's avatar

My first ex was able to make two dishes without assistance from me. One was matzoh brie, which he ceremoniously trotted out every Passover (and the other was peanut butter and jelly on white bread.

He, a nice Jewish boy who was spoiled almost rotten by his mom and four unmarried aunts, used to ask me, when I had the flu and could not get out of bed, whether you added the instant coffee to the water or vice versa when making instant coffee.

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I would bow back if only I had a waist!

ucme's avatar

Dangle my cordwangle in a tight beaver.

Pachy's avatar

@janbb, waist not, want not.

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