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DominicX's avatar

Do you pronounce the "L" in "palm"?

Asked by DominicX (28813points) March 31st, 2013

I was a little surprised to discover that according to, pronouncing the “l” in “palm” is incorrect and the only acceptable pronunciation is to rhyme it with “bomb”. That is certainly not how I pronounce it or have ever pronounced it. Do I speak in some weird non-standard California dialect? How do you pronounce the words “palm”, “balm”, and “calm”? Because I say the “l” in all of them…

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28 Answers

glacial's avatar

Yes, I do as well. I wouldn’t take as the authority on pronunciation or anything else.

The OED gives the following: “Pronunciation: Brit. /pɑːm/ , U.S. /pɑ(l)m/”
Merriam-Webster gives: “noun \ˈpäm, ˈpälm, ˈpȯm, ˈpȯlm\”

gailcalled's avatar

No. It is too exhausting.

rebbel's avatar

Don beieve what Dicionaiy is teing you.
I tested it and my mouth clearly widens when I say palm (as opposed to a small opening when I say pam).

marinelife's avatar

Yes, I do too.

fremen_warrior's avatar

I mainly use RP, so I say pawm, bawm, and cawm. Sounds better imo…

susanc's avatar

Put that lemon-bom on my pom, it’ll com down this rash.

Pachy's avatar

Yes, but lightly.

woodcutter's avatar

In New England we say “pahm” and it works out well. It’s the oldest language in the US.

cookieman's avatar

@woodcutter beat me to it. We also say pahm for “palm”.

Although, if I’m feeling particularly Medford, I’ll say paaahm.

YARNLADY's avatar

I pronounce it pawm or pom

ucme's avatar

All three of the words you mention I pronounce the same as I would the word harm or farm.

Judi's avatar

Without the “L” it would sound like I was from Boston.

DominicX's avatar

Yeah, everyone in my family pronounces the L and I asked several of my friends and they all pronounce the L as well. Must be a West Coast thing :) I certainly wouldn’t call it “wrong”, though :P

deni's avatar

A tiny bit of it, yes, but it is not in any way accentuated.

gailcalled's avatar

And yet, I find it easy to pronounce “palmetto” as written. Knowing that the second syllable is there, waiting in the wings, seems to help to jumpstart the first.

poisonedantidote's avatar

For me it is Paam.

Sunny2's avatar

It’s all a matter of a touch of the tongue to the roof of the mouth and a less pronounced M. I prefer to say it with the L, probably because it’s the way I’ve always said it. And that includes the 8 years I lived in Boston. (a lovely place)

livelaughlove21's avatar

I pronounce the L. Balm, calm, and palm rhyme.

dxs's avatar

I pronounce them “pahm” “bahm” and “cahm”.

hearkat's avatar

I pronounce the /l/ in palm, balm and calm.

bobbinhood's avatar

I pronounce the L in all of them. I grew up in Michigan, and that was standard there. Now I live in Montana, and it seems like people here pronounce the L as well.

cookieman's avatar

@Judi: And that would be a bad thing why?! Huh?! Huh?! :^)

rooeytoo's avatar

Never heard anyone not pronounce the “l” except for poms and aussies, and east coast USA residents who live north of Pennsylvania.

Kardamom's avatar

I pronounced the “L” just like in the word balm. I’ve heard people say lip bomb and that just sounds so wrong to me. I’ve never noticed anyone saying pom tree. I pronounce it like calm, not com.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ Oh yeah, I’m also from Southern California.

AshlynM's avatar

Yes, I pronounce the L.

Arewethereyet's avatar

I’m with @ucme parm as in harm and I’m an Aussie

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