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Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you see when you read too fast?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 2nd, 2013

Just now saw a Ford commercial for a Camry. The tag line was “Camry. Go Fluther.” So I did. Here I am. Don’t intend to go no further. :)

Another example: Not long ago I was putting gas in the car. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a notice on the gas pump. I read, “Sorry. We do not accept cheesecake.” I had to turn full on to read it again, because who, in their right mind, wouldn’t accept cheesecake? Well, it actually read, “Sorry. We do not accept checks.”

What are some funky things you see because you just glanced at it instead of really reading it?

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6 Answers

genjgal's avatar

I’ll often read something and then realize that I read something, and be like, “Wait…where did I just read that???”

Feta's avatar

I saw a kid wearing an “Oregon Ducks” sweatshirt today.

I read it as, “Oregon Sucks!”, and I was trying to figure out why someone would hate Oregon enough to wear a shirt like that. And then I realized.

JoeyOhSoClever's avatar

Lol I do it all the time. Just the recent comes to mind when a friend texted me “I’m annoying my boyfriend” I read it as “I’m enjoying my boyfriend.” Being that my mind was in the gutter I was almost disgusted with that info until I re-read she put annoying instead of enjoying lol

Prosb's avatar

I more often hear things wrong than read them wrong, but the last thing that I read wrong at a glance was the song title “Rise and Fall”, which I read as “Rise and Fail”.
I had just woken up too, so it had seemed like it was addressed to me personally.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Feta I used to have a “Disco Sucks” t-shirt that I wore all the time!

erichw1504's avatar

I read the title of this question as “What do you see when you read too fart?”

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