NSFW: Have you ever faked an orgasm?
Asked by
jca (
April 2nd, 2013
This question was asked in 2008 and so, since it’s been such a while, and there are many new Jellies, I am going to ask it again, pretty much the way it was asked almost 5 years ago.
Women: Have you ever faked an orgasm? Why or why not?
Men: Have you ever faked an orgasm? Why or why not? Have you ever been with a woman who you suspect may have faked her orgasm?
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38 Answers
When I lost my virginity. It was going on so long as I was just worried about performing well.
I don’t know if a woman has ever faked. The women I have dated lied in a whole lot of ways.
I never have.
I don’t know if a particular woman I was having sex with did.
I try to be a fun partner, and I have no reason to believe I am not. I’ve never had anybody complain. If somebody is faking it, I guess that is their business.
(Woman here) I have, but not 100% intentionally. It’s been a while, but if I remember correctly, the deed was taking long and my mind was elsewhere (I recall being preoccupied with finding work at the time as well as having major trust issues with my then-boyfriend and, as a side note, he ended up proving me right when I found out that he was the most dishonest person I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting) and so, just to get things over with and make him feel good about himself and his performance, I pretended to orgasm. And, come to think of it, I can only think of one instance in which I had a genuine orgasm through vaginal penetration alone…hmmmm
Well, I would have to say I may have over exaggerated the 3rd and 6th one. However, the rest were all full ones that night.
Nope. How are they ever gonna learn if you let them think they’re doing it right? ;)
^ This is a joke, but I really would never fake it. I’m not interested in lying to my partners.
Yes I have, many, many times with my ex-husband. I did it because I knew I wasn’t going to,get there and I wanted to be done. I have not had to fake an orgasm since meeting my current husband. He would actually know if I was faking.
In the past, yes.
Currently, no. If anything, I’m ready for another right after.
My answer is the same as @SuperMouse also. Except about the current husband part. I don’t have a current husband.
In the words of Leslie Nielsen ” I faked every one of those orgasms.”
Yes. Once while masturbating. It was getting late and I really needed to sleep.
I don’‘t think any woman I’ve been with has ever faked one. They’ve never had reason to. They may not have had one, but there was no reason to fake one for me.
I have, and more than once, too.
Sometimes if I delay an orgasm – using various techniques that I’m not even going to attempt to describe here – it can become nearly impossible to attain one during that session. In those cases, continuing with the ol’ in-and-out can become painfully frustrating to me and cause her to dry up and lose interest, too. Which actually happened once, when I was much younger and didn’t understand things that I know now.) So in order to avoid my partner feeling as if she’s inadequate or undesirable (which would certainly not be the case, since it’s simply being with her and her perfect desirability that makes me want to prolong the session in the first place), I’ll pretend to a climax that I don’t actually have. At that point, we’re usually swimming in enough of her juices that she won’t notice the lack of my own.
On the other hand, like @josie, I’ve never had any complaints, either. So if someone has faked it I wouldn’t know. (And since I’ve only had sex with long-term partners anyway – save for a couple of times when I was single – it’s never crippled a relationship, either.)
I can tell the difference between a fake orgasm and a real orgasm every time. Should I tell the secret?
I did, a few times when my husband and I first got together. He’s the only guy I’ve ever been with sexually, so there was no need before that. I was 17 and under the impression that I should have an orgasm from over-the-pants rubbing and equally juvenile acts. I quickly got over it and haven’t faked since.
I don’t orgasm during penetration, alone or with a partner. It’s actually pretty difficult to get me to orgasm by clitoral stimulation as well. That means that, while I don’t fake an orgasm, I usually don’t have a real one either. There’s one act that can get me there, and we normally do this prior to penetration, but I won’t say what it is. Let’s just say it’s not oral or digital stimulation. I don’t get mad when I don’t orgasm – I’m just not as easy to please as some women are blessed to be. I also can’t usually orgasm multiple times in one session. I’m almost not sensitive enough to get the first one, but too sensitive to get anymore. Oh well.
@livelaughlove21 Almost all women get very sensitive after climaxing. Your guy needs to learn to go really easy after the O. You can probably do multiples if he gives you a little break in between
@Adirondackwannabe I can’t do it alone either. Easy or not, break or no break. Trust me, I’ve tried it all.
@livelaughlove21 Just relax, Let him work it and communicate. That’s probably the biggest key.
I did once, when I was hooking up with this truly awful girl and I just wanted it to be done with so I could leave and not hurt her feelings.
Same answer I gave last time, with new improved spelling!
I am one of those women who rarely achieves orgasm through intercourse. When I was younger, I occasionally faked it, but as I grew more comfortable with myself I just let my partner know up front that he shouldn’t be too concerned about it.
Never. Three reasons.
1 — As @glacial pointed out, if they believe you, that’s counterproductive. I’d add that if they don’t believe you, that’s also counterproductive. So faking it is a lose/lose proposition.
2 — When a guy fakes it, the telltale lack of drainage after the fact soon shows it was either a sham, or he’s shooting blanks. I never wanted a reputation for either of those.
3 — Most importantly, good relationships can’t be built on a foundation of lies and deception. If there are problems getting off, best discuss them. If they can’t be discussed with that person, you’re with the wrong person anyway.
Only once. She was so wet from her own and I was sooo tired all I wanted was to go to sleep.
No, I am one who prefers to be honest and I prefer the same from from partner.
Yes, not often, but a few times over the years, usually when it is a new experience and the person is either A. completely inept, and/or B. goes on freaking forever and I am starting to notice patterns on the ceiling. lol
I did a couple of times with a lover who lacked skill and I just wanted it to end. The relationship did (thank goodness). Generally, if the relationship matters to a person, it’s a bad idea. If things aren’t happening it’s better to work out what the problem is and fix it.
I hadn’t read @Coloma‘s (or anyone else’s) post and just read up one. Ineptitude and taking forever obviously isn’t an unusual reason :D This guy thought he was a brilliant lover but had no idea whatsoever about foreplay and he lasted for ages and ages! I don’t think he had ever heard the word ‘clitoris’.
Hellzzzz no. I would never do that.—Rather, I like to explain to the guys I sleep with that it might seem weird, but I enjoy the act of sex itself before orgasm so much that sometimes I literally just don’t feel the need to apply myself (read: touch my clitoris) and try to reach climax. For me it is somewhat of a struggle regardless of how good the sex is for me to concentrate enough (because, again, for me to orgasm, I do have to be concentrating) so often times I’ll just say “no, it’s fine! Seriously. It was really good. I don’t need to orgasm.” Guys at first have had a hard time believing this. But I like to be honest. And I really like sex. And when I orgasm it is great and I know that…..but it’s not always necessary. They always look at me like I’m nuts. I don’t think it’s nuts, it’s what has always been normal for me.
Only a couple times with partners lacking serious skill. I’d rather just have someone get off and let me do my own thing, rather than subject me to more than an hour of boredom because they are convinced that if they use the wrong method for long enough, it will work.
@bookish1 ”[T]hey are convinced that if they use the wrong method for long enough, it will work.” Ha! That’s rich. It reminds me of 30 years and counting waiting for trickle down economics to begin to work. Any day now, we’ll send the top 0.01% enough they will explode.
Only once… My first time.
Just as @Imadethisupwithnoforethought, I thought there would be no end to it and that at a certain moment I was considered to be ready.
She didn’t complain. Actually I think she didn’t even notice I faked it. It sure was good enough an experience to try again.
Totally impossible as my dick loves to be milked & again impossible that any girl would fake it with me, I mean…i’m the fuck-master!!
@ucme Maybe you should donate your dick to science. lol
Don;t forget your donor dick card.
Yeah one time. I was so drunk I knew I wasn’t going to be able to climax.
@Coloma Maybe when i’m finished with it, loads more miles on the cock yet.
I don’t underatand how a man can fake one, unless you did a little wee then explained that your spunk is acting up because of that curry you ate last night.
@Crumpet, ejaculation can be experienced separately from orgasm.
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